CB Radio's

I use a cb for everyday use and plan to chase with it this year. My buddy and I usually get good range from ours so we use them to communicate with each other. Usually we are on channel 7. Sure beats wasting cell phone minuest like we used to. We get about 10 miles on them so we can cover a good area with two chase vehicles.
Granted I am biased, but I would like to see everyone on here get their ham licenses. As far as the cost for ham radio $130.00 for a 50 watt mobile is cheaper that most good cbs, and you get over ten times the power output, I have cbs but not a one has been turned since I got my license, if any one is interested, they are for sale, pm me of email me for more info.
I still have a CB in my chase vehicle, but only as a means of communication with people that I convoy with who are not hams. The rest of the time, I don't even turn it on.
I used a CB a lot before obtaining my HAM license.. now the CB is seldom used for much more than an extra WX radio and sometimes car-to-car communication outside of HAM (March 27 prime example of crowded HAM bands). They do prove useful as many have mentioned w/ truckers and speed traps. Someone up there said they work best on E/W routes.. I agree... I-70 gets much more traffic on CB channels than I-25 or I-35. Useful tool none-the-less and I always make sure to have it working before I leave. Oh yeah, can't forget the added antenna to the roof, too! :lol:

I use a Ranger RCI 2950DX CB/Ham Radio covers 26-32MHz so im all good for CB and once i get my General class license i can do 10/12 meters as well. best of both worlds plus for CB its more powerful than a traditional 4watt cb radio i can do 10watt AM and 25 watt on Side band. but the radio is very tweekable and easy to work on if ur a novice to doiung that sort of thing.
Radio modes are AM,USB,LSB,CW,FM
CW- is so u can hook up a morse code keyer to it
USB/LSB- are the side bands
FM is a very good band to have so clear sounding its the only CB radio i know of that has FM in it.


Here in the region of Montreal (Canada) we have a small Association of Storm Chasers and we sometimes chase in group.

The other day we were 3 cars and we communicate with CB's and we find that it works really fine! I personnaly use an Uniden Pro538W and a Wilson "Lil Wil" antenna! The other day I was communicating with a guy that was over 10 miles away, that's pretty good! I don't think you can do that witha FRS !?!?
I have not used a CB in years, for some reason around the Grand Rapids area, it was annoying to listen to. From illegal base stations kicking out way too much power, to people playing music and sound bytes from porno movies, to people cussing, etc. It was hard to get reports from truckers on the road with traffic and weather reports. I just stop using the CB and sold it. Maybe things have change for the better in the Grand Rapids area for CB's.


I have a number of radios in the car, including a CB. I usually have it on ch. 19 and run the audio through a DSP unit. The truckers are often a good source of info as they are spread all over.

I use a single whip with a decent loading coil mounted to my roof rack, coverage varies but I can usually get 10x the distance of an FRS out of it.