Gene Moore
This thread is mainly for owners of this new full frame camera. The software included, Zoom Browser, Digital Photo Professional and EOS utility were loaded in my home computer. This is likely the 4th or 5th generartion I've loaded since my original 300D back in 2003/4. All of them worked fine, but this one. I get two messages when I try to save RAW images now (RAW(*.CR2). "These images are not supported by RAW Image Task and the older images, "Choose images taken with a Canon Camera." Previously I had downloaded the software directly from the Canon site, it always worked before but this time I got "cannot process these RAW files...." type error messages.
Anyone else get these errors? Perhaps I should delete (all) this software and start over?
Suggestions appreciated....
Gene Moore
Anyone else get these errors? Perhaps I should delete (all) this software and start over?
Suggestions appreciated....
Gene Moore