I have read that I can get penalized for tethering my phone due to not having a "higher plan" anyone heard of this???
BTW it is not the "media net" package but a type of PDA add on.
Again this "threat" of tethering is mentioned. Of course the real issue here is using a notebook, phones generally can't download
too much data. I know from past experience they have weasel words in the contract to get them out of about anything. There is no doubt the big cellular companies are pushing toward charging for the amount of data downloaded. Also, they want their customers to download to hand held devices as opposed to laptops. This would kill us in stormchasing because one satellite image is equal to hundreds of text messages. They cover themselves during digital music download by charging so much per each song. Remember, stormchasers were downloading data long before the masses, now almost everyone is using cellualr as a data source and juke box.
Here is an example of the mentality that's driving this trend:
I have used both Cingular and Verizon for heavy downloads during the spring and have yet to be "spanked" for
exceeding limits. I can relate my experience though. In the spring and other times of the year when I chase I tend to hook up and just leave it on. That is, I don't download much in February, but in March through June it's
very high on chase days. That said, I don't chase all the time like some. I was told by Cingular if I downloaded too much they would demand I got on a
streaming data plan. Additionally, the last time I read the small print in the contract it said similar words, that is, my plan could be terminated. From what I've read the worst they would do is demand the user take the full data plan as is sold with the Aircard. I think that's still about $80/month, correct?? As I've mentioned before I currently pay $25/ month. I will quickly let the group know (here and on WX-Chase) if I suddenly get ramped up to $80 or get kicked out, but so far so good.
Here are comments by AT&T on the subject, remember SBC (is Cingular) is now AT&T (headquarted here in San Antonio.)
OpEd: AT&T's "unlimited" data may have limits
Apr 27 2004 - 03:06 PM ET | AT&T Wireless, Data
We reported a few days ago that AT&T Wireless was starting up an unlimited data plan. Both T-Mobile and Cingular have similar plans (though still cheaper than AT&T Wireless'), so the announcement made since. It comes out today from an article over at Smartphone Thoughts that it might not really be unlimited:"AT&T Wireless further reserves the right to move a subscriber from the Mobile Internet Unlimited PDA Plan to the standard $79.99 monthly unlimited Mobile Internet Data Plan, without notice, if the subscriber uses more than 100 megabytes of data in each of two consecutive months."
It makes sense there would be some sort of cap (running a file server off the connection should be against the terms of service), but 100MB can go pretty quickly. Why not put the cap in the gigabytes? Or just make it a case by case basis. Calling the service unlimited and then kicking out customers who use a moderate amount of data (3.3 megabytes a day) is quite similar to kicking customers out of an all you can eat buffet for eating to much.
It's pretty clear by the 2004 date on this story that AT&T has not been enforcing this. Will that change now that SBC and AT&T are one? Perhaps I've missed posts on this subject, I do tend to run hot and cold on Stormtrack. Finally, the trick may be not to call attention to yourself. Don't be greedy, for instance running radar loops when not necessary. One thing we still have on our side is the vicious competition for wireless customers.
Gene Moore