
Mar 21, 2004
Urbana, IL
During some down time at the office today I started going through and catching up on a ton of older threads. In doing so, I thought some people were perhaps just being weirdly clever, but then after the issue started popping up more frequently realized what was going on. I kept seeing variations of "buttholesume" or "buttholeociate" and realized that any time the letters A S S were placed together it corrected to "butthole". I understand the prevention of profanity and all, but this glitch should probably be looked into as it actually quickly lost its humor and became kind of annoying seeing the word "butthole" every few posts. Even when speaking for the prevention of profanity I'd probably rather see someone get called an @$$ than a butthole, fwiw.

Also saw "wee wee" in there for pi$$, which was good for a chuckle.
I was having a good laugh with this earlier today (irony of the solution worse than the problem) after I started seeing it in the Who's Who profiles. @Dan Robinson tracked it down to a wildcard filter setting & I think it's turned off now.
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The default settings in that filter were ridiculous. It had some words wildcarded that would clearly result in many things getting those bizarre modifications. Probably by design as a practical joke by the developer is all I can think of, there's no way anyone would want it that way.
That filter is really disruptive in the chat. I'm an advocate of letting most language fly, but if we need to censor stuff can we just dash or star it out instead of replacing it with childish versions?
I wish developers would indoctrinate profanity filters into the users personal settings, that way if he/she is offended by such language, it will either **** it out or #### it out, or replace it whatever words they see if. Those that don't care, can see profanity. We're all adults here.

make it a personal choice based on user preference rather than Administrative control.