BREAKING NEWS -- Stormtrack is on a new server

Dec 4, 2003
As of May 30, 2010 Stormtrack is currently on a new server at; this is an Intel Core i7 server, which is a big step up from the old Celeron we used from 2004 to 2010. This should help a lot with the slowdowns on big chase days.

Here a chronology of how this all went down.
5:30 pm CDT: Froze the old server and suspended the forum. Ran backups and FTPd 500 MB of files and SQL backups across to the new server.
7:00 pm CDT: Did configuring on the new server and set up DNS. Found that DNS will actually take hours or days to reconfigure and propagate across the Internet.
8:00 pm CDT: Restored all files and SQL.
8:30 pm CDT: Started making a few posts, immediately ran into some SQL "Duplicate Entry For Key" errors. Started doing some tests. Found the backup did not include auto-increment information.
9:00 pm CDT: Deleted the database and recreated it. Reinstalled database from evening backup, ran vbulletin fix for indexes. Errors seemed to go away.
8:00 am CDT Sunday: Found some problems in the Admin panels and the "thanks" buttons did not work (and were even missing). Spent a couple of hours doing testing and identified auto-increment data as missing from the SQL dump transfer.
10:55 am CDT Sunday: Restored from last night's backup with auto-increment data intact and brought the board back online.

Thanks for your patience with this move. We did lose some messages overnight and this morning due to the rollback, and I apologize for this, but it was necessary to get the site working and so that we didn't move forward on a potentially corrupt database. It does appear things are working correctly now.

Hi Tim,

When viewing this post, I get the following error where a banner most likely should go:

This webpage is not available.

The webpage at


might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Here are some suggestions:
Reload this web page later.
More information on this error
Which post? The URL you gave is; we don't have any posts stored on

It was this post, actually. It was fixed within an hour of my posting here so I just assumed you fixed it. Maybe it was a risidual DNS lookup error? I don't know off hand, but it's fixed now.
Thank you for the new server. So far I haven't found any bugs or anything. Nice to have the search functions back again also.
Another +1 here Tim. This was a much needed upgrade and the return of the "New Posts" and "Search" functions made this forum usable for me again. A huge thank you!
I have noticed a big improvement in the time it takes a page to load and overall it seems much snappier now. Excellent work Tim!