best webcam/camcorder for stream & data useage?

Apr 1, 2010
Kansas City Area
What is the best webcam/camcorder for stream & how much data will be used?

I already have my accounts to stream and I have an "ok" webcam. My dash cam camcorder doesn't allow me to stream.

Also, I'm sitting on a 5g cap right now. With streaming, GRlevel3, and minor web posting like twitter and facebook. Will i run into problems with my 5g limit?

Thanks for the advice!
Brian, any camcorder can stream through the RCA composite output if you get a USB capture device like the EasyCap. Camcorders (even the older ones) generally work better than webcams because they have better sensitivity to light changes and image quality.

You shouldn't run into trouble with your 5GB cap if you only stream your storm intercepts (as opposed to everytime you drive on the interstate). Just watch your bandwidth usage after a chase or two to get a feel for how much bandwidth it uses.