Best Darn Radar App Period Coming to Android

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looking forward to this coming out, I will be purchasing it and downloading it to my Samsung Intercept.

i was in the same boat your were both in about 2 weeks ago. I got my first smart phone and I ended up going with sprint and I got the Samsung Intercept and I can't say I've been disappointed in the least.

this phone works off the Android apps, and it does everything. I can get email, send/receive pic/text msgs, watch NFL Sunday Ticket on it, watch Espn Sportscenter, get the weather, read the NY Times, I even downloaded the entire Bible onto it, got the US Constitution app on it, it does facebook as well, and a plethora of over things!

The Samsung Intercept or Epic is a good starting foundation.

Through Sprint I pay $99 a month for unlimited text, phone calls, and data. so it's not too shabby.

thought that might help the both of you.

Good info--thanks, Andrew.
There would be huge demand for an Android app, but I fear that this product is less than vaporware. I hope I'm wrong, but anybody can make a laundry list of features (and start a thread where wishlisters add some more). My Spidey-Sense is also tingling from the fact that the O.P. claims to be an Android developer himself (search for apps under my name) and then in a later post says stuff isn't happening due to a communication problem "with the developer". With that information, it seems that the first post in this thread has to do with a contract being signed with said developer.

All of you who think an Android app similar in quality to Radarscope or GRLevel3 can be written in "about a month", please raise your hand. Again, hope I'm wrong and hope it's released quick and it's awesome... but let's just say I'm not holding my breath.
Let me begin by saying. I currently have 6 self developed Android applications currently in the market. I work 50 hours a week at my day job and do not have the time to properly learn how to render all of the information required for a good radar app. Therefore I have been working on this project since May of this year finding help / looking for information. I then concluded that this was going to be best put into the hands of a development company. A company that has time and more importantly man power. I have been talking to development companies since approximately July. We have exchanged several emails detailing all required information. In another post I mentioned that this project was going to be delayed do to a problem with the developer. They basically were not getting back to me in a timely manner so I decided to terminate the contract with them. That being said I had another contract signed within a week with a different company and The App is currently in development.
I have put quite a bit of time and have invested my personal hard earned money into this project. The reason being there are no good radar apps for android. So to wake up and get a flam email in my opinion is kind of like waking up and getting spit at in the face. I am sure this was not your intention. Please note the reason that I have a low post count is because I do not like the politics / drama of storm chasing and have been able to avoid ST until this year. This year I decided it would be nice to get information out about my apps. I have been in the storm chasing community since 2004 and most of the people whom have posted I personally have met. So can this app be made in a month Yes if you have been doing back work on it for half a year. Can this app be made by myself personally No that is why I have Hired a group of several developers.
Also I am not sure if you have a android phone but I do not see you on my list of people who have my apps installed so I see where your confusion may have come from.

-Mike Brady-
There would be huge demand for an Android app, but I fear that this product is less than vaporware. I hope I'm wrong, but anybody can make a laundry list of features (and start a thread where wishlisters add some more). My Spidey-Sense is also tingling from the fact that the O.P. claims to be an Android developer himself (search for apps under my name) and then in a later post says stuff isn't happening due to a communication problem "with the developer". With that information, it seems that the first post in this thread has to do with a contract being signed with said developer.

All of you who think an Android app similar in quality to Radarscope or GRLevel3 can be written in "about a month", please raise your hand. Again, hope I'm wrong and hope it's released quick and it's awesome... but let's just say I'm not holding my breath.

Wow, that's a pretty strong accusation based on what? If you look at other threads in the equipment forum you'd see that Mike has followed through on the first two apps he has developed. He always starts a thread in Stormtrack to get feedback from the people who will be using the app while it's in development. Why would you suggest he is BS'ing everyone with this one? I guess it just feels good to some people to pass judgement on others based on their superior insight. With that kind of insight, why look at the trivial stuff, like the previous work the guy has done?

Edit: He has more than two apps, I have bought two from him. But after reading Mike's post above and Brandon's below, I see his track record is even stronger than I suggested.
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Let's see here.

Hurricane app... Check.
Mesoanalysis app... Check.
OFFICIAL ChaserTV app... Check.
Spotter Network app...Check.

I have all of these, and Mike made em.. I really like what he has done. It's really a smart move.. He has picked a target audience that he himself is part of and is developing products to simplify operations for everyone. I say way to go Mike, and can't wait for radar!

BTW, posting this from my HTC EVO... Android 2.2 :)
Let's see here.

Hurricane app... Check.
Mesoanalysis app... Check.
OFFICIAL ChaserTV app... Check.
Spotter Network app...Check.

I have all of these, and Mike made em.. I really like what he has done. It's really a smart move.. He has picked a target audience that he himself is part of and is developing products to simplify operations for everyone. I say way to go Mike, and can't wait for radar!

BTW, posting this from my HTC EVO... Android 2.2 :)

SPC Outlook app... Check.
Winter Weather Outlook app... Check.
At least Mike is taking the initiative to bring something to Android that many have been craving, but doing nothing about it. Unlike another developer that shall remain nameless who has been claiming to be working on something for a long time and has not been giving any updates whatsoever, at least we know Mike is following through with his idea.
Guys, like I said... I hope I'm wrong and I wish the investor and the developer all the luck in the world. I absolutely agree that a Radarscope/GRLevel3 type app for the Android would be a very desirable thing. As a likely Verizon network Android owner (by next chase season) I would be a very likely buyer of such an app.

But I would submit that this particular app is a magnitude or two more difficult than the ones that have been brought to market thus far (something that Mike already apparently discovered for himself), and I stand by my assertion that it is going to take ANY developer in the world far longer than month to code such a thing.

I'll also be the first to say that there is no shame in taking longer than 30 days to deliver, as long as the product is worth delivering... so more power to them. I just think that from a business standpoint, exceeding your customers realistic expectations is better than setting expectations too high, which only leaves you downside/disappointment in the eyes of your potential customers. The subject line of this thread is not just that there will soon be a good Android radar app on the horizon (which would be great news by itself), but that it is going to be the "Best darn radar app period" and that it will be delivered in (what I believe) is an unrealistic time frame. Nowhere to go but down from there -- unless of course you can deliver the "Best darn radar app period" and do it in a month. If by November 1st we are looking at the release of a working version of this app, I'll be the first to tip my cap and eat my words.

I think one big question you have to ask yourself is: Why haven't the developers who know the roadmap to a great radar app already released one for the Android if it is so easy (only a month of development time). They already know the roadmap to the programming logic and the basic issues involved... they would just need to translate that to the Android OS development tools. If nothing else, they could do what Mike is doing and hire a proven Android developer to do the coding for them. The answer (I believe) is twofold: 1) The Android market is not (yet?) the moneymaker that the iPhone/iPod Touch or desktop PC market is. And 2) Developing for an OS that is a rapidly moving target can be an expensive exercise in futility. This has been a problem for a while now and it continues to be one. When you develop a successful app, it not only needs to run on the OS that is current when it is released, but it will need to be updated when future OS versions break something in your app.

Mike, I do appreciate your developing for the chase community (and I do not count myself among the Drama Queens on Stormtrack, so this is all I will say on the subject). If you can deliver a great Android radar app (in any time frame before next chase season) you will no doubt be able to count me in along with your other satisfied customers. Good luck!
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I think one big question you have to ask yourself is: Why haven't the developers who know the roadmap to a great radar app already released one for the Android if it is so easy (only a month of development time).

Personally, I think other developers haven't bothered because they didn't think Android was a legitimate OS. I mean that in the sense that even a few months ago, most people only knew Android by either a few Motorola phones on Verizon or by the EVO on Sprint. Now that ALL carriers have legit Android phones (G2 and Galaxy S phones on T-Mob and ATT just to name a few), Android has blown up over the past few months and all of a sudden the iPhone/iOS isn't the only fashionable mobile OS anymore. The iPhone and iOS were the popular choice back then, so spending time to develop an app for a second tier OS without as many users like Android didn't make sense to them. BUT now that Android is outselling iPhones, I'm guessing F5 and the makers of Radarscope will change their tune at some point. Props to Mike for seriously beating them to the punch. I don't care if the app is done in a month or 4 months, I'll be supporting him and his app because he was willing to take a chance on the Android OS.

The answer (I believe) is twofold: 1) The Android market is not (yet?) the moneymaker that the iPhone/iPod Touch or desktop PC market is. And 2) Developing for an OS that is a rapidly moving target can be an expensive exercise in futility. This has been a problem for a while now and it continues to be one. When you develop a successful app, it not only needs to run on the OS that is current when it is released, but it will need to be updated when future OS versions break something in your app.
I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a coder nor do I know how to do any coding, but I believe developers need to go in and only make minor tweaks, if any, when a new version of Android comes out. I believe Google releases an official dev guide and as long as those guidelines are followed, upgrades to new versions of Android should be pretty painless. I know 2.5 Gingerbread should be out for some new phones in December and 3.0 Honeycomb will be out early 2011 for coming tablets from Moto and HTC, so we'll see. On an unrelated note, I'm seriously hoping one of the upcoming tablets can finally replace the need for me to lug around a laptop while chasing and will actually let you plug peripherals into it unlike another Pad already out there :D
Yes everything appears to be going according to schedule. All of the Beta testers that were chosen have received emails with further details of development milestones. These milestones will not be made public just in case any delays were to come about.
Storm Chaser.png

Coming Soon...