I've found Bill Reid's videos to be my favorites to watch. I probably enjoy his and Dave Lewison's the most. Their "annoying factor" is as low as it gets to me, which can be a decent part of the chase video experience. Video's I used to love I do not any more as I notice too many things and am now largely annoyed, lol. When I go to grab a video it's often Dave's or Bill's. Often the less serious a person is, the better it is to me.
Samaras' video is obviously at the top as far as I'm concerned. He's also not at all annoying and shoots the best stuff, or the best quite often.
Annoying factors to avoid:
Repeating everything! I can't watch a certain chaser's video anymore due to this. I'd point out who but then you'd just notice and be annoyed too.
Telling other chasers with you to be careful over and over. "Watch out for the lightning George." "Watch out for the hail, Steven." I watched one that really made me wonder. It's like, just stay the hell home if you're going to be that concerned about your partner. "Watch out for the rain, Bob!"
Screaming. It's amazing how easy it is to chase and not need to scream like a madman.
I guess the worst might be some of the serious serious folks, that never seem to have any non-serious side. Those get boring to me fast.
My opinion is probably silly. I've watched so many chase vids now that I kind of want to see a certain "type" now. The storms can be very cool from anyone, but the personality behind it can give the thing some shelf life...after the storm seems a bit old.
I have many other chasers that I enjoy what they get and how they are on their videos. I just mentioed my two favorites.