Best 2007 shelf cloud

Here's my best shelf-cloud pic from this year, taken May 21 near Pampa TX

This picture has become my new background pic on my laptop. That is just an awesome view Jeff. Great job with that picture!

This was taken in Canton Ohio on August 9.

Someone on another message board that I am a member of posted a picture they took out a second story window of this storm approaching their house in town in Canton. That storm really looks like it was quite a doozy. Definitely had a great set up and looked beatiful from the pictures I have seen of it.

Wish I could have been around that area, as well as been out and about that day instead of stuck in work. If I had been able to be out chasing that day, I may have been able to make my way down on I-75 to where that funnel cloud and all the rotation in western Ohio was going on.
Not sure what day this was, I think sometime in early June near Thayer, KS.


Then last week in North Kansas City near the airport.

Some from this year from our US Storm Chase - 8th May near Throckmorton


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My favourite all time shelf cloud images, are on Mike Hollingshead's webside, I think they were taken back in 2003? in NE, looking NW - NE, I think Mike will probably know the pics that I'm thinking of, at least I hope so :) lol


Thanks, but I know no shelf's of mine should be all time favorites with this thing hanging out there:

As for mine and this year, I'd have to take this underside approach:



CG hitting about 1.5 blocks away(10mm still).


Another recent night. This is about the only time I care for shelf clouds(unless they are nuts) is when they are passing over a town.
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May 21 near Burlington, CO.
We were heading out on I-70 toward NW KS but decided to stop & photograph this incredible outflow shelf. The sun was setting, and the way the sun shined through the bottom of the storm illuminating the turbulent, roiling underside with the dark, nearly streamlined outflow and intracloud bolts zig-zagging around the entire base made for one jaw-dropping sight!! The contrasts in this shot came out near-perfect! It's a pano of three shots taken from sw (left frame), to nw (right frame).
We (Sean Mullins & I) waited on the gravel road as the outflow approached town.

Within 15 minutes, the southern leading edge (dark end over the grain silos) had moved over the town. For a few minutes we watched the lowered scud near the center start to spin. Of course, it shows a lot better in our video, but the dome-like funnel completely washed out as the rainy outlow just behind (to the west) cascaded forward (east) absorbing the short-lived funnel & engulfing the small town.
It is depressing to even to me, that during the time time I was out shelf clouds even began to lack, as if there was a well defined, distinct pronounced, shroud of dismaying bad luck around my chase persona.


I digress with nature.
In june and july the Netherlands got a lot of shelfclouds. Six or maybe seven times I had a shelf moving over my location (just spotting, not chasing). Unfortunately for me they were not of what I call "the majestic type".

Here's one from 25 june. You can see the shelfcloud and the whalesmouth. It's interesting that the back of the shelfcloud is formed by cumuliform clouds.

May 29 in CO was definitely cool - literally speaking of course. I really wish I had gloves on my hands because it was so cold! Check out the shelf eddy!

Seems shelf clouds are the norm in this part of the state, storms always form out West during the day and trek east as a big MCS reaching this area around Midnight, I have watched it occurr many times over the years. Personally not a fan of shelf clouds as it typically means an end to my day, however here are a couple pics of a shelf cloud actually more of a roll cloud or gust front. The first one was taken not more then 10 minutes before the second.


Quickly dieing.
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Good day all,

A little late on this one, but I got some as well...


Above - May 23 - Near Lipsecomb, TX - HP Supercell shwlf cloud.


Above - June 6 - Near Murdo, SD - Bow segment with 80 MPH winds.


Above - Same storm in SD on June 6, now ahead of Gust Front ;-)


Above - Another gust front / shelf near Indianapolis in March of 2007.