Barton graduate studying to become a storm chaser

I've been interviewed by local news before and nothing ever comes out in the story quite the way it should. They often make people sound kinda dumb, whether they are or not. They don't do it intentionally. They just try to write a lighthearted story and it comes across as juvenile. Sounds like he plans to continue his education, so best of luck to him.
I believe this is a byproduct of people thinking there is a job title of "Storm Chaser" where you are paid to chase storms. There is never clarification that storm chasing involves many things from photography to research and TV "Meteorologists". But even researchers and TV mets. can only chase for a very limited time of the year, unless you come up with a great publicity gimmick.
Yes, I live in a rural area with a small town newspaper. Honestly, it's nice still having a world where things like that make the local news.

I don't mind articles highlighting someone's unique hobby, such as storm chasing, but maybe it's just the way the article is written? It just seems odd.