David Schuttler
Not having an idea what ball lightning is give me your thoughts on this from friday the 26th.
I just found this while going through the video from friday night.
There are 4 frames that I grabed here http://www.stormdriven.com/balllight.html
when the frames are grabed it shows as just 2 balls and not 4 as it does in the editor.
I'll mess with it more this week to see if something is around where I was to explain it if it's not ball lightning.
It was a very active night of lightning. I spend 8 hours watching and following.
Dave, were you in a vehicle when you filmed that? If you were filming through a car window, it's possible that what you have is just a reflection of a distant car's headlights. It's easy to be fooled. I remember spending hours looking at a few frames of some lightning video I had been given, absolutely certain that I was looking at a true anomaly, most likely ball lightning. It was quite a while before I realized the truth, that it was nothing but a reflection in the windshield of a passing car's lights. A letdown, to be sure... So it goes. I dunno, it's possible that you've shot something truly interesting, but the dual nature of the light source makes me suspect headlights.
Shane, I'd love to see your video. I've researched this topic before, and there is almost no video of true ball lightning available anywhere on the internet.
Actually the video from this cam at that time period was hand held outside .I was behind the vehicle shooting north and the other cam was inside shooting east. The fact that I was holding the cam is why I'm suspect myself . I plan on finding the tape and running it to make sure I hadn't pointed it down or at something. I know my canon digital flashes a light when it's shooting, so that is the first area I'm going to check on..
The light is very fixed which does make the headlight the more favored thought . It's the wavy and curve look that throws me , unless I was twisting my hand to cause it? I just wanted to see if it resembled it