AWIPS 2 Availability

Good news! The SAIC AWIPS2 cloud-based system announced at the AMS conference is now live!

I received an invite this morning, so hopped in to see what it was. I was hoping that the monthly cost would be $30-$60 but probably would have paid up to $100 if it was REALLY good and REALLY fast.

Starting price: $1,998 per month. And that's for weather "enthusiasts". Professional meteorologists are expected to get the $7,670.40 monthly package. Discounts if you pay annually.

Uhh, ok

In other news, progress is being made with the Windows client (i.e. no Linux / VMWare / etc. needed at all) with a non-multithousanddollar server. See below.

Hey, are you guys still playing around with this AWIPS CAVE software? I saw there was a discussion over a year ago so I thought I'd check in with you all. I'm using AWIPS Windows x64.

1. Vector plots, like wind, don't seem to work at all for any products. I select them, and it loads data and nothing happens. I can't figure this out.

2. Same problem for thickness. It seems to be broken. Even selecting 1000-500 mb thickness directly from the data browser, it plots nothing.

3. There appears to be no function at all for dealing with screen layers, such as reordering how two products are plotted.

4. METAR plots seem to be broken, too, though I saw a NCAR mailing list reference confirming this.

5. The data ingest seems to support the "" source and retrieve data with no problem. Is there anything to be gained from subscribing to a private server, or is that something from the days when all the data servers were internal to NOAA only?

AWIPS CAVE seems seems very rough and untested, and it's dog slow. it doesnt seem to be a replacement for web model sources like I hoped. But it's interesting and has a few strong points, especially for looking at data fields web sources tend to ignore (thickness, Trenberth, Q vectors, etc).
1-2 : Some of that may be a result of #5
4: Bug in the current Unidata release
5: Private servers offer realtime support and potentially MUCH more data. Unidata is just doing that as a testbed, people using this operationally would not want to rely on it.

It's never going to be fast - that's a result of writing in Java and compiling in Windows.
Thanks RDale. I'll keep messing with it, maybe i can get it to work, but it's frustrating not having thickness or wind plots. Height and vorticity plot just fine though.

@Keith Latteri are you still offering that data subscription? Might that fix some of the problems with the EDEX cloud server?

Is anyone else offering AWIPS server data right now?
AllisonHouse will be going live with a well-tested EDEX server in the next 10 days. This server will allow access based upon a username and password pair instead of using IP-based allows.

The cost will be <=$20/month.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have AWIPS II working with the AllisonHouse EDEX data feed.

What I did was install CentOS 7 in VMWare Workstation 12.5. I then installed the CentOS/RH version of AWIPS. I entered my AH username and password on startup and it loaded up fine. The whole process was very easy actually. The big gotcha if you want to go this route with VMWare is that you MUST enable "Accelerate 3D graphics" in the VM guest settings. If you don't then the products will not draw correctly. I'm assuming this will work with the free version of VMWare Player as well though I haven't tested it.

I do not recommend the Windows version at this time. It does work...partially, but many of the features (like the Volume Browser) do not work and the menu items load products are not working either. You pretty much have to load products using the Product Browser only.