AWIPS 2 Availability


Mar 1, 2004
Lansing, MI
As we've noted, AWIPS2 is publicly available now as a beta. But unlike the GEMPAK days when you could grab the open data and convert to GEMPAK format, I'm not seeing this as viable in AWIPS2.

What can be done is the following:

1) Install AWIPS2 in a Linux machine, or using VMWare with Windows (similar to how GEMPAK works now)


2a) Get your own NOAAPORT dish (expensive) or IDD feed (not possible unless you are at and .edu site)
2b) Find a EDEX server willing to feed you the data already converted to AWIPS2 format.

If we can come up with some 2b's we'll be in good shape. I have mentioned it to AllisonHouse already and they are interested, but don't feel there would be any value with the limited number of people who might use AWIPS2. I said there is a good GEMPAK base and that people would pay some to get AWIPS2 data... So prove me right :) Any interest?
I have AWIPS2 running in VMWare for Windows users. It seems to do okay if you have a 64-bit box so I'm going to keep future GEMPAK development in that arena (I assume most people with newer machines are 64-bit anyways.) If interested, now is the time to tell AllisonHouse :) There is a test server for educational facilities but it's not meant for operational use so doesn't have a lot of the data that would make it viable.

- Rob
In the system I'm playing with, only 4GB in VMWare is available. I'm building a dedicated system over Christmas to see if that'll help but the lack of an operational data server will be an issue regardless.

NWS recommends 16GB of memory (minimum of 8GB) with an NVIDIA GPU with 2GB and OpenGL.

If you want to run your own server, then a separate machine with 24GB, a 256GB SSD, and two i7+ CPUs. Not cheap :)
For what it's worth, the AWIPS-II LDM in the EDEX-server installation will pull in some model data over FTP. It isn't optimal, but I've done some experiments running it on my Linux workstation and it pulled it in just fine. The other EDEX-server requirements are for the large volume data sources, like radar and such (at least to my knowledge).


Should mention that this is running the CAVE client and the EDEX server on the same machine.
How's your CAVE client working? Even on a faster box (still VMWare) with more memory it's barely "usable."

Is the VMWare setup to use OpenGL acceleration? I wonder how much the display speed is tied to the video card and its capabilities. Or are you talking about even just loading the GUIs?
WDT brings in, adds value, then distributes AWIPS data to customers. I see no reason why we couldn't explore the sale of this data direct or through a third party like AllisonHouse. I'll reach out.
Thanks. You have all the data for sure. Basically need someone that will host an EDEX server to convert it to AWIPS2 format. If you're familiar with GEMPAK, you know it converts gridded data to .gem format and then you have to download the whole file. EDEX is similar but it does the conversion on the server side, so end users select the data they want and their A2 goes out and requests just that data from the server. Less overhead (theoretically) on the user's side.

- Rob
It would be awesome to have an EDEX server, especially since the beta one is gone :(
Oh crud, I dropped the ball on finding out details about our potential to redistribute data to consumers. I'll get on that.