Auroral activity may return

I too headed out, and saw the most amazing display I could have ever hoped for.

However, was held up a little by a bored cop..Ive told some the story but will write it up here again...

Was heading out to a certain location, same one I enjoyed watching the fall 2004 show at. I passed one car, which I found odd being that it was a small one lane road, at 2 am. I realised as he passed me, that it was a county cop. I continued down the road, and realised another car was behind me, which I found odd, again, because it was so late. I pulled onto a two lane highway, and the car began riding my bumper real hard. I was going somewhat slow, trying to find a certain I figured I would just get off the road, so he could speed up. After turning right, I realised it was the cop again...he continued on down that road once I got out of his way. I decided to stop and look at my map, so I pulled over on the small road and took a glance, and decided I just needed to go straight. Upon finishing, I saw the cop, had stopped and was turning around again. I put the car back in drive, and continued on down my road...while looking in the rear view mirror...and seeing him turn down the road behind me. He caught up to me very quickly...and he then put on his lights, asking me to pull over. Now, I knew for a fact, that I had done nothing wrong, and was kind of annoyed because I knew he was just bored, and was really wasting my aurora shooting time.

He came up to my window and asked..."Can I ask why you were pulled over back there?" To which I replied.."Yeah, Im shooting the aurora tonite, and have a certain intersection I'd like to find, and was looking at my map" which was still sitting on my lap. He asked for my license and insurance...and asked again what I was taking photos of. He took my junk back to his car for several minutes, came back to my window and said..."here you go" and left.

Okay, that was long than I thought...I can move it to another thread if needed, went along with my aurora nite. I can move it to a new thread, if needed.

I was out until 6 am...the peak was definetly around 4 am...when very bright white, purple, and blue pillars bowed out, directly above me. They were seriously, bright as day...I cant think of any other way to describe it...but, there was no way in hell, anyone could have missed this, if they simply looked up. There were even people in the country, shooting off fireworks near me. Then, there were the waves. You could see the solar wind blowing directly over you...creating an illusion like you were looking at the freaking ocean. Omg...It was nuts. :shock: I was even able to get the lights to show up on the video camera...

Hope you all got some great shots!
Originally posted by APritchard
However, was held up a little by a bored cop..Ive told some the story but will write it up here again...

Was heading out to a certain location, same one I enjoyed watching the fall 2004 show at. I passed one car, which I found odd being that it was a small one lane road, at 2 am. I realised as he passed me, that it was a county cop. I continued down the road, and realised another car was behind me, which I found odd, again, because it was so late. I pulled onto a two lane highway, and the car began riding my bumper real hard. I was going somewhat slow, trying to find a certain I figured I would just get off the road, so he could speed up. After turning right, I realised it was the cop again...he continued on down that road once I got out of his way. I decided to stop and look at my map, so I pulled over on the small road and took a glance, and decided I just needed to go straight. Upon finishing, I saw the cop, had stopped and was turning around again. I put the car back in drive, and continued on down my road...while looking in the rear view mirror...and seeing him turn down the road behind me. He caught up to me very quickly...and he then put on his lights, asking me to pull over. Now, I knew for a fact, that I had done nothing wrong, and was kind of annoyed because I knew he was just bored, and was really wasting my aurora shooting time.

He came up to my window and asked...\"Can I ask why you were pulled over back there?\" To which I replied..\"Yeah, Im shooting the aurora tonite, and have a certain intersection I'd like to find, and was looking at my map\" which was still sitting on my lap. He asked for my license and insurance...and asked again what I was taking photos of. He took my junk back to his car for several minutes, came back to my window and said...\"here you go\" and left.

Okay, that was long than I thought...I can move it to another thread if needed, went along with my aurora nite. I can move it to a new thread, if needed.

I had the same thing happen to me when I went out looking for the aurora back in November. Except the cop didn't believe me I was out looking for the aurora - he didn't even seem to know something like that even existed - so I ended up having my vehicle searched.
Great photo's guys! I may post mine later, but I shot film, and am lazy as ever getting that developed. If they're good enough, I'll scan em and post them later.
Great photos everyone, I should have some posted shortly.

It was incredible, I didn't expect anything like what I saw. I almost didn't see it either; first unexpected clouds made me think twice, then I drove to where a clearing was supposed to be and it clouded over (when clouds were supposed to be eroding). I almost turned back twice (still didn't know what I was in for yet) but am so glad I didn't. The aurora actually started shining through fairly thick overcast, with structure and pulsations visible, that's when I knew this was an astonishing show and I had to get to clear skies. It truly was surreal, one of the most spectacular things I've seen.

Better decription and pics to come.

Originally posted by Robbie Cox+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Robbie Cox)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Mike Hollingshead
I thought I saw a report from San Diego CA.

Here is one pic for dad looking up at the corona....
[Broken External Image]:

he's Praying for a winning season :lol:

Go Clones!!![/b]

Na, Mike is using subliminal messages to hypnotize his pops "Dad you will buy me all new camera equipment because you really love me and want me to have new camera toys... You will give me what ever I want from B & H Photo Video in NYC, You will buy me the new H3 that I want..."