Toni Scholz
We have similar problems here in the Dallas / Fort Worth Texas area also. It is not a "Cry Wolf" situation. It is simply the situation that there are incredibly way too many people who do not want the media to interrupt their regular programming..."
Tom - You've absolutely hit the nail on the head regarding this issue. Although I can't find the link, ABC had a similar situation after the planes hit the twin trade towers on 9/11. They had a small number of phone calls from individuals who were apparently upset that their regular television shows (Jerry Springer, no doubt), were preempted by coverage of the attack.
Having said that, I will admit there has been an occasion where I've been miffed by being "inconvenienced" by a traffic delay due to an accident. What was my interest? Me....
I'm not defending those folks who took the time to complain; just a perspective that we're more alike than I care to admit sometimes.