Any thoughts on this vid cam from JVC?

Camera Reccomendations

Well it's that time of year receiving my christmas bonus. This is the time where I get an oppurtunity to purchase new equipment for the next storm season. I am looking to get a new video camera and a new camera within the next couple weeks. So, what are your reccomendations for reasonably priced video cameras and cameras? What are your views on digital video and picture cameras. Im generally looking for something that is of overall performance in the areas of day and night storm photography and video.

Scott Olson
Not going to add much except that smaller is better... unless it comes to sensors/optics. Take that for what it is worth.

Smaller bodies, less heat dissipation, more noise. Smaller sensor, less image quality. Honestly, many of these new models coming out are so freaking small. I don't think they would be very comfortable in my hand. Despite this, I'd choose camcorder based off image performance.
