Another Ice storm?

Feb 19, 2004
Erie IL
Looking at the models the last week or so, it looks as if a major push of cold air will take place later next week. The models seem to advertise a very cold, but shallow airmass oozing south into the great plains and midwest between the 10th and 13th. Meanwhile, southwest flow will keep the mid and upper levels relatively warm, with plenty of moisture streaming north from the open gulf. It's a long ways out, but it would appear that another icestorm may be on the horizon for somebody in the mid-section.

I realize this is quite a ways out, but the models have been fairly consistant with the major features.

The chances of seeing another historic icestorm like the one last week is very small of course, but somebody may be chipping a lot of ice off of their windshields by next weekend...
Still looks like there could be a zone of freezing rain Friday and Saturday from OK up into southern WI. It all depends on how long that zone stays in place concerning significant ice accumulation potential. The cold air still looks fairly shallow on it's leading edge, and with at least one wave of low pressure moving up the boundary, a wedge of ice may stay in place for quite some time. Wichita up through KC into eastern IA look most at risk now, although we're still talking 120+ hours out.