Another HAM question (equipment)


Yaesu FT8800. Anyone use it? If so what are pros and cons if any? I found one for 349$ I think.. Wanting to know if this would be a good unit for a new Tech. Of course this will be used for chasing.

I use the sister radio -- FT-8900R. Nice radio, though I should have just gone with the 8800 since I'm a no-code tech and can't even use the 10m side. Oh well, it's a nice radio nonetheless.
Originally posted by Jeff Snyder
I use the sister radio -- FT-8900R. Nice radio, though I should have just gone with the 8800 since I'm a no-code tech and can't even use the 10m side. Oh well, it's a nice radio nonetheless.

Look at it another way, Now you have a good reason to upgrade Jeff!
Im ignorant and new to HAM. i realize that the 8800 is an upgrade to the 7800.. I have been reading on Eham reviews of both radios.

What would be the benefits of the 8800 over the 7800? and why do I need these extra features? Or not?? I seen the 7800 has lit buttons as opposed to the 8800 doesnt have lighted buttons which was a complaint by users.

Can anyone tell me the differences between the two?

Thanks for the input on the Icom model Dave. :D
The biggest difference it the dual-receive function. With the 8800, you can listen to two frequencies (e.g. 146.55 and 443.65mHz) at the same time. On the other hand, if I'm not mistaken, the 7800 only allows you to listen to one freq at any given time. I haven't used a single-receive radio like the 7800, but I do think the dual-receive of the 8000-series radios is very convenient. Sometimes I have my 8900 set to receive 146.55 and 162.xx (weather radio) concurrently, and other times I have it set to receive a Skywarn station + some other freq. Regardless, I don't think I'll ever buy a single-receive mobile given the convenience of a dual-receive.
I have the FT8800...I absolutely love it. Bought it last March for my chase rig. Great programmable features, great audio output. The dual receive/dual transmit functions are the best. About my only gripe is that the button on the unit are not backlit, so it can be hard to fiddle with the radio in the dark.

But I've had nothing but a great experience with it. Great reception, great transmit, great sound.
Originally posted by Jeff Snyder
The biggest difference it the dual-receive function. With the 8800, you can listen to two frequencies (e.g. 146.55 and 443.65mHz) at the same time. On the other hand, if I'm not mistaken, the 7800 only allows you to listen to one freq at any given time. I haven't used a single-receive radio like the 7800, but I do think the dual-receive of the 8000-series radios is very convenient. Sometimes I have my 8900 set to receive 146.55 and 162.xx (weather radio) concurrently, and other times I have it set to receive a Skywarn station + some other freq. Regardless, I don't think I'll ever buy a single-receive mobile given the convenience of a dual-receive.

Ok cool, makes sense... Will these scan through a predetermined set of frequencies? Like a scanning radio? Or do they only recieve on a given preset, meaning I need to manually turn the knob to listen to another frequency?
I splurged a bit; upgrading my choice to the Yaesu FT-8800R; HRO was having a special on the radio for $364.95 ($10 off) and it came with the free remote kit for the radio. I also put out about some good cash for the antenna for that as well, all told spending about $465 for the set.

I elected to go with the upgrade cause of the remote kit which came free with it, seeing as I was going to end up purchasing one of those anyway, it would only cost me an extra $50 to get the radio anyway. Now I'll be able to mount the radio itself someplace hidden and run the wires to the faceplate up front and have an easier time mounting the rig. I also put down some good cash to get a real antenna which oughta make many of the people I chase with very happy now! :lol:
Did you get the software to program it? Any likes or dislikes of the unit? Same unit i have been looking at :D
Originally posted by fplowman
Did you get the software to program it? Any likes or dislikes of the unit? Same unit i have been looking at :D

I'll let you know when I get it... ordered it today so I'm hoping it arrives before the end of the week (shipped from Denver). I'll keep you posted of how I like it!
I have the software and it's a god send if you have more than a handful of frequencies you want to program.

Bring your rig and a list of frequencies to the chaser convention and you can borrow my software for a one time update.
Originally posted by Tyler Allison
I have the software and it's a god send if you have more than a handful of frequencies you want to program.

Bring your rig and a list of frequencies to the chaser convention and you can borrow my software for a one time update.

Thats a great offer.. Im hoping to make it to the convention.. I sell home loans and work strictly commissions so things are slow right now (season).

If I make enough to afford the convention I may or may not have enough for a HAM radio.. I guess Ill know in a week or two..

Im sure Ill be all monied up in March or April.. Day late and a dollar short.. lol