Joey Ketcham
Does anyone else besides me think there may be some "turf defending" going on there with that county?
Nice tornado comes through, something some of those spotter probably waited years to see, and all of a sudden everyone and their dog shows up and "ruins" their big chance to use all that training they got on a real tornado.
This would not be the first time I have seen some sort of "turf defense" going on with a spotter group when it came to storm chasers.
I kind of see that, but on the other hand I think that the group of people that seems to have any beef with us more than any other group of people is emergency managers and law enforcement as generally it is them that goes to the newspaper and whines about us.
I'm not sure how it is down in Texas or anywhere else, but personally I get along great with storm spotters in my area and not once heard any complaints from them about storm chasers.
At least here in my neck of the woods I think the people that make up the spotter network generally are just people who are associated with civil defense (police, fire, ems) and don't really have any interest in the science at all, in fact most probably don't care whether they ever see a tornado or not. Most just do it as part of their public service for the community they serve.
As most remember, May 4th 2003 was a huge day for southeast Kansas and I'm sure a lot of you were chasing southeast Kansas that day. The F4 tornado that hit Franklin, KS is within my county and I live just a few miles from there... even the days after that not once did I ever see or hear any complaints about storm chasers, and I know I saw just as many chasers on that day as I have on other big chase days this year. There was no editorials in the paper about how evil storm chasers are, there were no letters to the editor from the Crawford County Sherrif or the Emergency Manager about how storm chasers got in the way... nothing. So I don't know if it's just a central and western Kansas deal for them to whine about us or not, but they seem to whine about storm chasers more than anyone else. Seems like everything there is severe weather you have a sheriff in some county out that way that writes to the paper crying about how horrible we are.