Jay McCoy
I dont see any logic in privatizing our weather information. If a DJ is just reading the zones then it is already for a certain area not a wide area. That is why the call them zones!! I have been on both side of this as my dad was a tv met for 30 yrs and I have a humber of friends that are now tv mets. Where do they get the information to do their forecasts?? :shock: could it be the NWS. I am not saying that private companies shouldnt exist. On the contrary. Most chasers use one in one form or other for information out in the field. I use XM WXWORKS which is a Baron product. But for the general public its stupid for them to pay their tax dollars for the NWS to do what they do and then expect the citizens to pay a private company for that information. The private company should be footing the bill for the NWS then not taxpayers. Why should the companies get the information but not the public. The role of the NWS is to protect life and property by forecasting and warning of wx. They have to be able to get the information out to the ENTIRE public for it to be effective so for all you private mets that moan about losing money. The NWS Im sure is hiring but as long as I am paying taxes for the NWS I expect to get my information for free.