A poem for Jeff Wear

Marilyn Wear

Hi Everyone, on this anniversary of my son Jeff Wear's fatal accident (July 11, 2005), I would like to share this poem that a friend of ours recently wrote in memory of Jeff. The author is not a storm chaser, but I think he got to the core of what being a storm chaser is about, which many of you may identify with. I received written permission from the author.

The Storm Chaser

He chased assorted danger
Across cloudy southern skies
To mayhem he was no stranger
Facing challenges that would arise.

Thunderclaps and bolts of lightning
Would set his soul ablaze
What others viewed as frightening
For him didn’t even faze.

A hurricane or a howling gale
Would start his heart beating
He’d chase a cyclone up hill and dale
Hoping for that chance meeting.

He lived for today and not tomorrow
To find his place in the sun
He is now beyond pain and sorrow
For he and nature are now one.

For Jeff Wear
Harry Diavatis
Vallejo, California
Thursday, June 1, 2006

©2006 Copyright Harry Diavatis
All Rights Reserved
No Publication Without Written Permission

What a beautiful thing to share with us all...that poem describes the Jeff I knew perfectly. Our little chase group sure misses him, it just won't ever be the same without him. His love for chasing and learning all he could about the weather made our trips together not just more fun, but great learning experiences as well. I looked up to him as a teacher, and also a good friend. On our annual chase trip this year, Shawn, Ed and I all spent some time remembering and laughing at all the good times we had together, and enjoying the storms we saw as Jeff would have wanted us to. While he may not be with us physically, he'll still be with us every year we chase from here on out, as we continue to chase severe weather and try to live up to the example that Jeff set as a storm chaser. Please know your family is still in our thoughts and prayers.