Susan Strom
Local weather media predicts that the Southwestern Monsoon will be wrapping up here after a last hoorah of thunderstorm chances next couple days. Timing-wise, that's about right, as September 13 is the typical end date. It has been a short monsoon, about 41 days or so which is about 11 shy of the norm. However, it hasn't been too bad, I have had some good chase nights since the monsoon has been on. I'll miss it of course, but part of me is glad to see it go so our 570 hurricane evacuees being housed here in Phoenix don't have to look at rain for awhile, and our New Orleanians who stay will enjoy the upcoming beautiful Arizona fall and winter temperatures.
Note: The Sonoran is an unusual desert in that it has two rainy seasons, the summer monsoon and the winter rains. It is the November rains that are key for the wildflower growth for springtime. The winter rains also determine the chaparral growth and following year's pre-monsoon wildfire season (which I also chase). I'll update my website soon with some '05 pictures (but hurricane-related volunteering takes precedence for now). See ya soon 8)
Note: The Sonoran is an unusual desert in that it has two rainy seasons, the summer monsoon and the winter rains. It is the November rains that are key for the wildflower growth for springtime. The winter rains also determine the chaparral growth and following year's pre-monsoon wildfire season (which I also chase). I'll update my website soon with some '05 pictures (but hurricane-related volunteering takes precedence for now). See ya soon 8)