9-5-05 ND REPORT

Dec 4, 2004
Grand Rapids, Michigan
I got a little itchy when i saw the Cell blow up south west of Aberdeen so I headed west out of Fargo and caught the cell B/W the DAK borders and I-94. I caught a good lowering with some awesome war zone type thunder and lightning. I saw but did not have a chance to tape a cone funnel half way to the ground, could not tell if it was down to many corn stalks and no place to park off to the side of the road with out falling in the ditch.. the XM was showing a 92 Gate to Gate shear marker at the time in that same location Then the Outflow boundary from the aberdeen storm came and undercutted my storm and killed it. Maybe i should of stayed up in Fargo as it got tornado warned. Hey atleast my target panned out. Ill be reviewing my video in a few but thought i would post this any way.
I was on a portion of the storm about 40 miles north of Fargo. I positioned myself at the apex of a segment in the line which was severe warned and catured a nice layered shelf complete with the horizontal rotor and greenage. Possibly the best shelf I've witnessed this year. I couldn't make it to the portion Kurt was on as I had to get to work for the evening shift. Plenty of close CGs added to the fun of driving to and from.

I got on the cell that formed west of Aberdeen about 10 miles NW of the city of Aberdeen. The cell quickly lined out and visuallly appeared to bow abit at the same time the leading edge was throwing dust and tree branches along at 35kts. During that time the greatest straight line winds occured probably over 50kts. I proceded to bee-line south to get to more promising isolated cells farther south, unfortunately outflow from the northern storm was interacting and complicated things. I did get on the original Faulkton storm about 23 miles of Watertown, SD and saw some great lightning. Some other neat things was a storm that formed behind the line moved through Aberdeen, SD and died out but as the storm disipated it left sort of stringy (pie looking cloud design) pretty neat.