8/27/06 REPORTS: MO *rescued*

Apr 8, 2005
Winnipeg, MB
**rescued post**

Mike Peregrine

Joined: 08 Dec 2003
Posts: 1784
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:18 pm Post subject: 8/27/06 REPORTS: MO Just a quick report. I chased the tornado warned storm this afternoon across Independence. Had been watching the storm come over downtown and noticed the structure before the warning was issued, but when it came out I went ahead and followed east. Somehow I missed the tornado in Independence (not sure how). I ended up between two well-formed mesos over there. One to the north that was located right over the river valley, and one to the south that had been tracking maybe a couple miles from I-70. I chose the northern storm, since it was the one the reports were coming out of, even though the southern meso looked like it was tightening up at the time, with a classic inflow band. Apart from the high precip wrapping the rear flank, there was actually some very classic-looking structure. Two very low wall clouds within sight of each other, rotating simultaneously. I spoke to a pilot friend of mine in Independence and the rotation came over his house as he watched both wall clouds as well - very interesting to see two sister storms so close to each other over a large metropolitan area.

Ended up in torrential downdraft coming back. Absolutely unbelievable amounts of rain. The traffic on 435 came to a standstill and I was forced to watch the rotation become wrapped and disappear from view. Turned around to try to get the southern meso again, and ended up in more traffic. Decided to cut back towards downtown and give up on the rotation, when I got caught in some pretty severe flash flooding. Had to get off of 70 for an accident and 31st street was nothing short of whitewater rapids at this point in 2-3 feet of running water. No joke ... a person could have easily navigated a kayak down the street at the time. Debris was floating down the streets and cars were forced to turn around to avoid floodwaters. Due to the circumstances, I didn't end up with post-able photos this time. But it was a great - and unexpected - adventure for me this afternoon.
Mike Peregrine