8/26/05 Reports - Hurricane Katrina

Dec 19, 2003
South Florida
Have to say Katrina was one impressive category one hurricane. I was located along Ft Lauderdale Beach and just south near the Port Everglades area. Below is a link to a some video segments from the chase. http://www.weathervine.com

At this time doing some last minute cleaning of gear and then we head off tomorrow early for the northern Gulf coast for the second landfall in a few days.

Also of note: My chase partners Jim Edds and Chris Collura left here this morning for Tampa and now are currently aboard todays NOAA synoptic recon mission in the Gulf. I hope to have some video of the mission for later tonight.
Was going to chase Katrina a few miles north of where I live, until Katrina began a turn to the WSW while approaching S. Florida. This put my home directly in the path, so I decided to return there to film. The northern part of the center went right over where I live, between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. The lowest pressure I recorded was 985mb just as the center came through. It is always interesting to watch the winds do a "180" after the center of a Hurricane passes over, though it was not as an abrubt change as it is in stronger Hurricanes.

edit: Moving to new site, so I took off link for now. Will post when new site it done.