8/18/06 REPORTS: CO *rescued*

Apr 8, 2005
Winnipeg, MB
**rescued post**

Roger Hill

Joined: 16 Dec 2005
Posts: 10
Location: Bennett, CO
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:34 am Post subject: 8/18/06 REPORTS: CO Chased in Colorado on the 18th. Caught a south/southwest moving marginal supercell that produced COPIOUS amounts of hail in southern Lincoln county. This storm had respectable structure, including a visual vault, wall cloud, stout hard updraft, INTENSE CGs, and hail to golfball sized. It piled up across a 4 mile wide swath up to 6 inches deep! Every crop, tree and house in its path sustained significant damage I am estimating in the millions. The hail lasted nearly 40 minutes at a crazy intensity! (Vid is on TWC)

Still trying to figure out how to add images here. If anyone can tell me, I'd love to add a few from this event

Roger Hill