6/29/05 REPORTS: No. Plains

Great day for storm chasing. I went with Skip T. It was everything Skip reported. He forgot one interesting note to the chase, as we were driving away from the first nader, we passed a couple of locals on the side of the road watching the tornado. One guy was drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels. It was almost empty.
I think we were both waiting for him to walk up to the tornado and offer it a drink! If I was making a movie, I could have put that in it. =P
Well i got a short video clip up from the 29th. Ill have my page up later.

This video consists of the first two naders only. This is a rather large file 11.4MB. Runs for about 4 minutes 10 seconds.

This second tornado was said to have been stationary by Dr. Greg Forbes. That was only by what the video showed him. It was by no means at all stationary. We got to remember that if its not moving side to side its coming at you more than likely. Also it had only hit corn i thought i might have hit a home behind the trees.


Late Post

I know this is late, but I just got my pics developed:

Really nice chase, but I had chased solo and had to drive all the way back to Norman, OK alone after the sunset (13 hour drive).

Simon Brewer
This was first tornado... even though my video is nothing compared to what has already been posted, I want to be initiated here.

In my excitement my still camera pictures all tanked on exposure, but here's a video camera grab of the tornado in the Hanska/Madelia MN area.

<img src = "http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b214/tonyperk/Tornado.jpg">

A chase account with a few short videos can be found here.

A tornado virgin no more!
Missed Tornado

Hey sorry for such a late post, i had to creat a new account anyways i was on the Mankato MN Storm, and i think everyone saw the first tornado , couldn't confirm it on ground from my location, but many saw it, i was reviewing back over video and realised i missed a tornado i think originally it was the first white cone, it dissapated then redeveloped to northeast, it was definetly rain wrapped too, i had to add contrast to the pictures, to show this, was kinda ticked i didnt notice it before , wish i had gotten more video of it anyways here's 2 pics. :roll:

More Pictures can be found at www.stormchaserdan.com (amature)

1st pic is original tornado/funnel, and 2nd pic is the redeveloped



Anyone else who was on this storm did you see this?[/img][/url]
This is long overdue... I've (finally) converted and made available tornado/storm chasing videos from years past and posted them on the Videos page on my website at www.springwx.com. There are several videos available for viewing...and I'm adding more as I find archived storm chase videos in my collection.

The video available for this date is titled Windom, MN Tornado:
The day of the Windom, MN tornado was a rewarding chase on a day with somewhat low expectations. We followed this storm as it first developed near Sioux Falls, SD...watching it mature from it's first lightning strike...to the first severe hail it threw at us...to the slowly rotating tornado seen in this video. The first half of the video is running at 300% speed...while the cool rope-out is shown at regular speed. The tornado doesn't look to be on the ground, but some debris (dirt) is picked up near the beginning of the video, indicating the rotation has reached the ground. Also, if you look hard toward the end, you can see debris being picked up and tossed around (little flakes) within the cloud of dirt. If I recall correctly, the slow-moving tornado was on the ground for 2 miles (approx. 8-10 minutes?)...hitting a farmstead before dissipating.