6/16/09 FCST: KS, OK

Jul 23, 2004
Iowa City, IA
Chasing Target for Tuesday, June 16

Chase target:
35 miles south of Garden City, KS.

Timing and storm mode:
Isolated high-based supercell storms will form after 8 PM CDT. Large hail and severe wind will be the primary severe risks. Photogenic LP storms will be possible given the relative isolated nature of the convection.

Discussion (OK, KS):
Today’s widespread convection has made a mess out of the surface map with boundaries all over the place, and models seem to have feedback issues. KDDC and KICT radars, as well as SFC observations, indicate an OFB extending along the KS/OK border the entire length of KS. In the TX panhandle, the DL was slowly retreating westward along US-287 N of AMA. Dewpoints are still in the 65-70F range in the warm sector along and S of the OFB. Upstream soundings (AMA, EPZ, ABQ, FGZ, and TUS) indicate nearly dry-adiabatic lapse rates from the SFC through 500mb, along with warm temperatures in the mid-levels. Differential advection of steep mid-level lapse rates from the SW, with moisture from the SSE on Tuesday, should result in strong instability and capping. H7 temperatures in excess of 15C will suppress convection most of the day, with initiation holding off until the early evening when the LLJ strengthens and noses into the area. A mid-level shortwave will approach WRN KS after 02Z, with an associated SFC low-pressure strengthening over the OK panhandle, which may provide enough forcing for initiation.

- Bill

11:31 PM CDT, 06/15/09
Due to the death ridge establishing itself over the area, Tuesday may very well be my final chase for a long while.

I'm going to target an area around Hugoton, KS for Tuesday. Td in the mid 50's along with strong heating should yield CAPE values around 1500-2000. The cap will be a major factor in determining if anything forms or not. The latest NAM forecasts around 10-12 degrees Celsius at 700mb. Strong daytime heating along with the moisture should eat away at the cap, but it may not. The NAM does not break out any precip for the area, so we'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully enough lift and daytime heating will be adequate to possibly form an LP supercell or two. It would be nice, considering it may very well be my last chase for a long time.

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I think today has some tornado potential along the eastern portions of the OK/KS border where last night's OFB has set up. If I wasn't planning on chasing tomorrow in NE I would be in the Baxter Springs to Miami area later today. There will be plenty of instability to work with if the cap can break (like the RUC, GFS, and NAM suggest it will) but the low-level shear is marginal at best and it will take a favorable boundary interaction to tornado.
RE: today's forecast

I think today has some tornado potential along the eastern portions of the OK/KS border where last night's OFB has set up. If I wasn't planning on chasing tomorrow in NE I would be in the Baxter Springs to Miami area later today. There will be plenty of instability to work with if the cap can break (like the RUC, GFS, and NAM suggest it will) but the low-level shear is marginal at best and it will take a favorable boundary interaction to tornado.

I would agree... It looks like things will fire east of ICT after 8 or 9 PM when the LLJ cranks up – this may be mainly elevated convection. Further west, it remains to be seen if easterly flow can be reestablished in southwestern KS in time to maintain decent dewpoints... Right now, high pressure is located over northwestern KS with northerly flow in GCK and DDC – if this continues, moisture will decrease and a bust is certain. On the other hand, if low pressure develops in the OK panhandle, backed SFC flow may maintain a narrow axis of moisture and instability in SWRN KS. Models are about useless this time of year when MCS's involve entire states while overworking the airmass over large areas. Tomorrow is looking interesting in southwestern NEB, and it will be earlier in the day, so I’d be tempted to give up on today’s very marginal setup and position for Wednesday…

- bill