My pictures from the day are here:
Damage to the car is here:
Headed out from Norman @ around 1030a. Headed to Clinton, where we were going to make the decision to head north to NW OK, or head west to TX. Tried to get internet @ Clinton Public Library, but they were upgrading their computers, and none of them had internet. The person there was very helpful in giving us the best routes north or west, whichever we wanted.
From there, headed to Elk City, OK, and talked to Jarrod Cook (my nowcaster from Illinois KC9CJY) - he told us about the development SSE of us (the South Plains Storms). We jetted south on 70 of off I40 after using the internet.
I have to say, that drive was beautiful! The caprock is a wonderful place, and I will be visiting soon!
Went all the way to Turkey, TX before heading west, as to not drive into the hail core. We arrived around 330p~~~, just in time for some nice wall clouds. We stuck around the FM 689 / 207 area, seeing numerous tornadoes, funnels and wall clouds, and a TON of hail on the ground.
Then the show started. The tornado formed to our SW, and was heading E. We watched it from start to finish, and got pictures/video of the eintire thing!
After that... as many people know, the hail started, and then the windows ended.
After limping out of the storm, we came across the tornado's path where some nice people were slowing traffic down (as the power lines were almost invisable if you didnt know they were there). They saw our condition, and offered help. We went to their house down the road about 5 miles, and there they helped tape the windows, vacuum glass, and give us wx updates. The next storm was about to produce, and we did NOT want to be there (to many holes for leaks, and there was a 6 hr drive home ahead of us).
We jetted East toward home, on the way meeting Shane while I was retaping one of the windows. He offered to let us follow him (it was a lot easier following taillights through a broken windshield, then trying to find the road). Many thanks to him and Jo!
Over all, a nice chase with NICE tornado(es), and bad hail, but nearly everyone that saw the nice tornado learned the lesson of the core. :wink: