4/9/04 NOW: OK/TX

Last surface plot (1916Z) shows a change in surface wind fields---winds are backing in north Texas just south of the river, perhaps in reaction to a
mesolow forming or some feature aloft--I don't know yet.

This should enhance convergence along and just west of the I-35 corridor
from Denton to Ardmore

Looks like things are beginning to pop around and just north of Ardmore right now. Let the show (what show there is) begin!!
-TDs have managed to push themselves into the upper 50s. Not much in the way of deep moisture, however.
-CAPE now around 12-1500 in most target areas along Red River Valley.
-SigSvr parameter looks to be smack over the river, south of current watch box.
-CU persists across entire target region.
-Skew-T (from 3hr RUC2) for DFW (4:00 p.m.):

Still appears to be marginal ... language in current MD:
sitting in ardmore now with chris sokol and jim webb waiting for something to fire...

nice fluffy clouds....

802.11b is cool
The most impressive storm at the moment is in Logan County, OK, a right-turner sliding along the warm front. It has shown some faint rotation as it slows and moves just south of due east.

Looks to me like the other storms northeast, east, and even southeast of OKC are beginning to organzie as well, as of 2135.
Radar reflections @ 50dbz showing up in a cell right over the river south of Ardmore right now ... looks like additional development to the south along I-35 corridor as well ... only in the 40-dbz range currently, but has been showing signs of growth.
Originally posted by Mike Peregrine
Radar reflections @ 50dbz showing up in a cell right over the river south of Ardmore right now ... looks like additional development to the south along I-35 corridor as well ... only in the 40-dbz range currently, but has been showing signs of growth.

Steve Miller, Robert Hall, and Dave Fick are on the new development south southwest of ADM and report healthy growth. They're remaining in that area to monitor.

The Logan/Kingfisher and now Lincoln County storm is right-turner, but can't seem to impress OUN enough for a tornado warning. Velocity images show minimal rotation. I'm guessing it's high based and spotters are all over it.
Pulled up a storm table on that one - currently at 64dbz, moving 255@27kts. No indication of meso yet - but it could possibly develop one. Can't tell much from radial velocity ... if it's spinning, it's not very strong yet - - - have to take off here or I would keep watching.

Good luck gents - (and ladies, of course) ;)
Actually it is the cell near to McAlister that has got my attention - it seems to be devloping and has clear air to the south.

Added by Stu - it seems that Tulsa NWS just put a Torn Warning out on this cell
Originally posted by Amos Magliocco

The Logan/Kingfisher and now Lincoln County storm is right-turner, but can't seem to impress OUN enough for a tornado warning.

It looks like that storm is north of the warm front.

On the TLX radar, you can make out two outflow boundaries on the move in Central OK: one entering OKC, trailing back up into the Lincoln County storm, and another rushing out from the storms to the east. What sort of impact these boundaries will have on the position/motion of the warm front, I don't know.
I actually see 3 boundaries on the radar loop. They all look like outflow. Another thing that I found interesting is the CoD 1km sat image: The "McAlester" storm (which has been returning 70+ dbZ reflectivities) is barely even visible, yet the storm to its NW (up near I-40) looks more impressive, (at least until you look closely and see the distinct overshooting top on the McAlester storm) but has much lower reflectivities.
But, yeah, part of the reason for that is that the "I-40" storm's anvil is sorta overshooting the McAlester storm.

McAlester storm seems to be splitting and turning right to continue riding the boundary.

Storm N of Weatherford (over Fay) looks like it's going to make a U-turn, LOL.
wish i was there, but im just cyberchasing today from home....looks like the storm in Latimer Co. just pushing into Le Flore County is starting up....all 4 slices of the Velocity are showing some pretty good rotation....it looks to be the best storm to me anyway :)

PS...warning for Le Flore just issued....spotters reporting that tornado may be rain wrapped