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Well, sitting here in Johnson Co., ILL watching it rain and lightning and thats about the extent of it. Don't know exactly what happened for sure, but if I had a guess, i'd say the low level clouds pretty much messed us over for any real severe threat.

Good to see there are finally Svr warning in the eastern fringes of the Mod. risk. east of Memphis. Still not much structure worth watching....
Can't write much ... On mobile and out of town on business ... My brother reports homes leveled in south end of St Joseph. Was on the phone with him as a tornado was apparently moving through earlier. More later-
Keep in mind that they said the Breckenridge tornado yesterday was "large and violent" too. I think it is pretty much automatic for the NWS to say that when a tornado is confirmed and conditions may be able to support a decent/strong tornado.


A few of the tornadoes in Iowa today could likely be considered large :) (I should note that these pictures were not taken by anyone in my group)

I was about 5-10 miles behind this thing when it was near Albia and with all the emergency vehicles heading to Mystic, I couldnt really get going very fast to catch up and get through the rain behind.

Looks like the storms are mostly off the dryline/cold front boundary intersecting triple point whatcha-ma-call-it area now, so the threat is ending. I'd say this was quite the interesting day... most of these storms didn't present on radar very well but there was at least straight line wind damage all over.

EDITED to clarify the source of posted pictures.
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