Observations after reviewing tonight's NAM run - instability axis and theta-e tongue look to be fairly narrow, but w/ workable window between 18z and 00z over eastern tier of KS. Also like the looks of low LCL and LFC's and passage of surface convergence @ peak diurnal heating in this area. Upper air support looks to be fair but not quite as favorable as the recent outbreak, w/ neutral tilt of trough @ 250mb. As mentioned previously, targeting looks to be heavily influenced by cloud breaks and development of a dry slot. Tempting to force a decision between the surface low and dry line much further S and W, but in this case my instincts say an intermediate patch should hold the best probabilities - just enough of a bulge along the surface front to support locally backed surface winds. For the I-35 corridor S of OKC, the setup just looks too familiar - veering winds at all heights - to get hopes up. I would set up along U.S. 69 in eastern KS in mid-afternoon, monitor the satellite pictures, and go from there.
Of course, as it happens, I won't be out myself. We just opened a bagel shop in Charleston, SC, so that will have me detained until early May, when I plan on going to KC for several weeks. However, if anyone needs a nowcaster, feel free to PM me. Good luck to all chasing tomorrow!