3/19/06 NOW: West Central TX

If the Uvalde cell stays on its current heading, it will move right over my aunts house in San Antonio. Lastt weekend we got hit, this week end, they get hit. The 2006 storm season will be the end of the Comstocks'. v,v
It appears that the supercell approaching Austin, TX is taking on quite a nice bowing feature. Widespread, sever straight line wind gusts should be the rule along with large hail (golfball to baseball) and continuousl lightning. The storm was a right moved but looks to be caught up with the main line and accelerating with the main flow/rain cooled air. Austin may get a direct hit from this bow...
Hail core and meso rotation went just south of Dripping Springs... Only marble hail at my house. GRLevel3 did a great job of displaying the data. It seemed to accurately place the hail core. The inflow notches have been very pronounced this evening. I noticed that you'll get a pronounced inflow notch, then a TVS, and then a warning from the wx service.
David's ok, as the hook has passed a bit to his south. He got Marble hail. Appears to me this storm is weakening. Seems to be somewhat merging with the area to the west and southwest as an MCS to some degree. Area further south seems stronger. New TVS just tripped for the area just west of San Antonio.