Woo hoo, I get to be the first to report that I saw absolutely nothing. Nah, that's not true. Considering that it is March 1 in Illinois, I'm very satisfied with our outcome. Joe Nield, Mike Kruze, Kim Klockow, and myself set out from Lafayette around 1PM EST, headed vaguely for the Peoria area. We ended up taking US 24 west into Illinois and finding a nice dirt road to watch things devlop, about 3 miles west of Crescent City, IL. Towers were trying to push up to our west, and we sat there for at least a half hour, probably more watching the development. We had fiercely strong winds out of the south, which made it very difficult to communicate, or even to keep the tripods from falling over. As a well(?) developed cell approached our location, we got some good views of rain feet, and several suspicious lowerings. The lowerings didn't last very long, and never got organized, and they may be nothing more than the fanciful hallucinations of storm-deprived college students. We followed that cell north into southern Will county, until we decided that the cell was doing nothing exciting and called it a day. On the way back we a saw beautiful sunset, and that was the extent of it.
From what I understand, 3/4" hail was reported in Cook county, but that's pretty much the extent of severe wx from this system. Disappointing, yes, but encouraging given the time of year, and we seemed to do well forecasting. There were a few equipment problems, such as both laptops having issues with various things, and then the button on my gear shift breaking. That was fixed with a roll of duct tape I had handy. My film is at Walgreens right now, and should be back within the hour. I'll have some scanned and try to get a website going tomorrow.