2017-04-30 REPORTS: IL/MO

Aug 9, 2012
Macomb, IL
Somewhat of a surprise local day today. Not really surprise though considering we have all been watching this system for a long period of time. Anyway morning of the event comes around and it looks like a total wash, so I went back to bed until around noon. I got up, checked the HRRR and looked at visible satellite noticing some clearing taking place in Central Missouri. Storms were progged to fire ahead of a strong surface low where a dry slot was nosing in. That is what happened, so we made way for Northeast Missouri. We got on a storm north of Paris, Missouri where I witnessed but failed to document a fairly quick tornado just near the town of Hunnewell, MO around 4:59PM. It was about 4-5 miles to my northwest under a wall cloud and by the time I got the camera out, it was gone. I drove east and eventually witnessed another tornado, this time I documented the entire life cycle as it developed, grew into a sizable cone, crossed the state-highway and then became rainwrapped from RFD precipitation. We followed the storms into Illinois where I met fellow chaser Skip Talbot along side the road and was able to chat for a bit. Anyway 2 tornadoes and some decent structure, not a bad outing on what I thought would be a crap system. Here are some shots that I just got around to uploading, since I JUST got home lol.

Initial tornado touchdown

More mature cone tornado crossing the road moments later....

Anyway....that's all for tonight, I have shots that I need to edit tomorrow, but its late so I figured I would get something posted. If anyone else came out and chased today, I'd definitely love to see your shots! Until next time!! :)