2015 Chase Partner Thread

All right, I need a chase partner because the list of hair-pulling busts is getting ridiculous. Latest, today. Made the decision to dash for northern Illinois after perusing data after work. Wasn't enthused by the cloud cover still holding strong over most of the area, but the HRRR UDH pushed me out the door. I made Freeport by 2:30 and browsed data again at a McDonalds, learning about the tornado reported from the first cluster near Peoria. While I sat there, it remained overcast. I pushed further south to near Forreston and finally broke out of the warm frontal fog into some legitimate sunshine. I quickly noticed what looked like small updraft towers going up, with scud rising into some of them. However it still didn't feel like a significant tornado atmosphere, rather cool and with little wind except occasional puffs from the NORTH (supported by the ob at Freeport I was hearing on the weather radio).

My pessimism and lack of sleep, and not wanting to compound it by staying in Illinois until evening (my work shift starts at 3 AM) got the better of me. I decided this was probably going to be another April day where a tornado watch yields little more than chilly thundershowers and began a non-stop drive back to my apartment in Madison, arriving just as the tornado warnings began to fly in the area I had left.

My target wasn't that bad, but I didn't have enough confidence in it to stick around for the show. I get squirrelly just sitting by myself on the roadside, especially without access to data. I have a laptop but depend on public access wi-fi, which usually means I eat way too much McDonald's on chases and seldom have both access to data AND a good view of the sky at the same time. Having a chase partner could be that extra push I need to stay with it, and also help stay alert for the head-on-a-swivel multitasking that is often required while pursuing storms on the roads.

I know there are several other Madisonians that post on here (George?). Drop me a PM next time a local setup presents itself.
Same thing happened to me today. I'm from northeast Missouri and easily should have been there but decided to turn back.
I've never been weather aware until I moved to the KCK (Overland Park) area 4 years ago from the east. Ever since I've been terrified of tornadoes. Getting panic attacks and not able to function normally when I hear thunderstorm on the news. I've been learning about the weather and tornadoes a lot and now am a Skywarn storm spotter. I now understand more about thunderstorms, tornadoes, and their structure. My fear now changed to respect and admiration towards weather.

I still have lots to learn, but eventually I would like to see a thunderstorm in person. Skywarn, books, and videos do a very good job in teaching by providing lots of pictures and videos, but there's nothing like seeing the real thing live.

I would like to go out with someone with experience, but I know it's hard to find someone like that. Any tips on finding this "mentor" or going out on my first "chase" alone?

Best regards,
I've never been weather aware until I moved to the KCK (Overland Park) area 4 years ago from the east. Ever since I've been terrified of tornadoes. Getting panic attacks and not able to function normally when I hear thunderstorm on the news. I've been learning about the weather and tornadoes a lot and now am a Skywarn storm spotter. I now understand more about thunderstorms, tornadoes, and their structure. My fear now changed to respect and admiration towards weather.

I still have lots to learn, but eventually I would like to see a thunderstorm in person. Skywarn, books, and videos do a very good job in teaching by providing lots of pictures and videos, but there's nothing like seeing the real thing live.

I would like to go out with someone with experience, but I know it's hard to find someone like that. Any tips on finding this "mentor" or going out on my first "chase" alone?

Best regards,
Hi Alex,
I live in the UK but chase in the USA every spring. Pretty much have some 15 years experience and worked as a guide for Silver Lining Tours on two seasons. My arranged chase partner has had to change his dates of availability to early May which is not looking that good in my opinion and is too soon for my current work schedule. This puts me on a solo chase again this year, though much prefer to have an on board navigator and co driver TBH.
Do you have a facebook page? We might be able to talk further from there!
PS. Based on the extended outlook and the general pattern ; probably more like a late May or early June chase!

Also; If you are that nervous around storms are you sure you want to chase them??

Hi Alex,
I live in the UK but chase in the USA every spring. Pretty much have some 15 years experience and worked as a guide for Silver Lining Tours on two seasons. My arranged chase partner has had to change his dates of availability to early May which is not looking that good in my opinion and is too soon for my current work schedule. This puts me on a solo chase again this year, though much prefer to have an on board navigator and co driver TBH.
Do you have a facebook page? We might be able to talk further from there!
PS. Based on the extended outlook and the general pattern ; probably more like a late May or early June chase!

Also; If you are that nervous around storms are you sure you want to chase them??

Hey Tony,

My fear or nervousness around storms had to do more because of the lack of knowledge of the weather. The more I keep learning the more respect I have towards storms and the more I want to learn about them.

I haven’t done any storm chasing yet and have had the opportunity, but I don’t want to go out my first time alone. I’ve read too many stories of rookies going out alone and get hurt or killed.

I can be reached at my email: [email protected]

Thanks for reaching out. Best regards,

Hey Tony,

My fear or nervousness around storms had to do more because of the lack of knowledge of the weather. The more I keep learning the more respect I have towards storms and the more I want to learn about them.

I haven’t done any storm chasing yet and have had the opportunity, but I don’t want to go out my first time alone. I’ve read too many stories of rookies going out alone and get hurt or killed.

I can be reached at my email: [email protected]

Thanks for reaching out. Best regards,


OK Alex, I'll email you to chat. Though ATM I have not booked my dates as I am hoping to chase a relatively strong sustained weather pattern (if there is such a thing). So your dates will need to be fairly flexible.

OK Alex, I'll email you to chat. Though ATM I have not booked my dates as I am hoping to chase a relatively strong sustained weather pattern (if there is such a thing). So your dates will need to be fairly flexible.

Date availability will be determined based on duration of chase and location. But, overall my dates should stay flexible.

Best regards,
I will be driving the long trek from Florida to the plains for my chase vacation from May 20th through at least the first week of June. My chase partner will be unable to attend this year so I have room for up to 2 people if anyone is interested in teaming up to save on expenses. I have experience forecasting and have been chasing in the plains every year since 2009. Drop me an email kg4jcf (A) gmail.com.
I will be driving the long trek from Florida to the plains for my chase vacation from May 20th through at least the first week of June. My chase partner will be unable to attend this year so I have room for up to 2 people if anyone is interested in teaming up to save on expenses. I have experience forecasting and have been chasing in the plains every year since 2009. Drop me an email kg4jcf (A) gmail.com.
I'd be down this year if I had the funds. My car keeps needing work and it's taking out of my budget to chase the AZ monsoon coming up, so I won't be able to make it to the plains until next year at least...if you're still doing it then as well
I know this is short notice but does anyone around the Norman area need a chase partner for today? I'll be willing to split the expenses.
Just moved to OKC this past weekend from South Dakota. Live in the northeastern part of the city, currently working at the new Moore Jr High project. Want to get familiar with the area and meet some new people. Would like to meet some veteran chasers from the area, maybe team up. Have chased the last 10 or so years, have my vehicle set up with inverter for power.
Would like to chase on Saturday. Anyone who is in the neighborhood of Norman - OKC who would like to split expenses and team up, please message me.
I was just wondering if any experienced storm chaser was going to be in Iowa on Sunday and has an open seat. I want it to be someone experienced so I can learn the ropes from them. I would drive anywhere in Iowa to meet you. The only thing is I would have to go back to the pick up point as I have school on Monday..
Dylan Johnson

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If anyone is in SW OK, particularly Lawton/OKC/Altus, and would be willing to let me ride along, I'm game. Spotting and chasing alone is sometimes a little boring, not to mention, it might be safer with a partner. If you're willing, let me know. Thanks! :)
I'm currently in Tulsa for the week (heading back home on June 9th). My chase partner needs to work Wed-Fri which makes it impossible for us to chase the northern events of this week and I'd really love to get there!

So, if you want a chase partner for this week (June 1st to apprx June 5th) let me know (read more about me and my experience in the first post of this thread)! PM or email me at christoffer (a) wallcloud .se.
I'm might be headed for the Dakotas tomorrow. Tuesday looks like the best day if there truly is one, with the NAM trying to make something happen Wednesday. Feel free to PM me if you want to meet up. (Heads up, I live in Illinois though)
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Lol, same thing when I went. A number of tornadoes that day but mostly weak in Ohio and some without a severe thunderstorm so it was hard to chase. I was in south central Ohio I think it was early June.
Im outta Denver, but on a play it by ear basis due to my job.

I got some play time coming up this spring. However, I am more than annoyed with the Colorado cold core setups that never produce anything more than storms with hail, torrential rain and pretty rainbows and overly cautious tornado sirens.

i want the good stuff. Oklahoma/Central KS.

im about 6-7 hours drive away from there.

I remember living in Colorado having to chase storms that almost always developed east of Aurora, A lot of those days I could not catch up to them and they just "tease you going east". I moved to north Texas because I believed I could chase more tornadic set ups here and have a shot from all sides, "storms 360" and not just having to catch them all going east. But I didn't account for the crowded roads down here in DFW or the humidity - higher dew points making for hazy conditions on storm days. I find that I miss the Colorado storms, lower dew points but the storms were isolated. I misst the mountains and the incredible lightning shows in Colorado Springs. For all that you miss out on look at the good set ups you can get up there. When LP storms fire in Colorado they are just spectacular! Driving on I70 out of Denver was easy, open and flat. To chase storms now I must first get out of the metroplex, I've stopped chasing anything east of I35, too many trees and the view is so obstructed.

I always have to drive northwest of Oklahoma City or hundreds of miles towards the panhandle - Caprock area for anything good. If anyone is in the north Texas area in need of a chase partner PM me.