2012-06-09 REPORTS: MB/ND/MN


2000 kms, 20 hours driving, 2 cups of coffee, tons of tornado warnings, 2 SD cards filled and that was it. We also experienced the largest chaser convergence in Canadian storm chasing history at Pilot Mound, Manitoba as everyone waited for storms to fire up late in the day. With Craig Hilts on the ipad, Gunjan Sinha driving, me with the camera and a newbie next to me, star struck, we made our way ahead of everyone until we got to Emerson for initiation. At that point, a well defined funnel turned back into a wall cloud as we got out and shot photos. My memory card instantly filled up and I dumped everything onto Gunjan's laptop including footage of the D-2 Dominator, set up and forecast spotting stuff. Moving north after our first real shoot, we pulled off after only a few more kms as things started to get re-organized.


With the sun going down to our west, we found ourselves on the sunny side of the storm since we were running out of eastern highway. Photographically it was a good chase plus we avoided golf ball size hail all around us. IMG_8976.jpgIMG_8974.jpg

Further north on the highway to Winnipeg, we witnesses some colourful clouds and rain shafts before the storm split and one cell ended up slamming the city with hail and we followed the rest towards Steinbach for a lightning show.


Here is the video in HD:

Watch video >

Blog post on the event with more:


All in all, we had a lot of fun and caught a beautiful storm. Only funny thing is, the only tornado confirmed that day was in central Alberta but it was a 'cold core', not our kind of storm lol. Anyways, this was just a warm up for the real thing. We are planning to chase the next big system as a group once again, very soon.