2012-05-29 REPORTS: OK

Hey folks,
Like everyone else was on the storm that approached Piedmont (though we waited on I40 until it got its act together then ran at it) and watched its evolution from a nicely structure LP-like structure to the agglomeration to form a nice looking HP later on in the piece. Saw the tornado(es) but the main highlight was definitely the structure, and I suppose a little wish I had stayed out during other phases, but got the best of it. Rotation on the cell was quite impressive and I was a little surprised that a T-warning took so long given some of the others I have seen issued. Blog post on the chase for myself and Brad can be found here: http://www.huntersofthunder.com/2012/06/may-29th-oklahoman-wonder.html
Like many others, we also chased the supercell in central OK, from when it first formed near Fairview, down to the southeast near Piedmont. We saw the bowl-shaped lowering that would become the Piedmont tornado, but lost sight of it a few minutes later due to large hail and trees. We did have some fun playing in the baseball hail. And we got into some more hail from a second supercell near Tuttle a couple hours later.

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Amazing supercell structure!

Video and chase log are complete! Definitely one of the best supercell structures I have ever seen as we followed the storm from when it was a twisted LP near Okeene, to more of a classic supercell near Kingfisher, nearing HP and producing the tornado near Piedmont, and then congealing into a line along and south of I-40. What a day.

Chase Log: http://www.eyeonthetwister.com/2012/06/16/may-29/

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Solo chase and managed to stay out of the hail and saw some cool storms this day. Still disappointing per 2012, but that's how it goes. Saw the tornado near Union City after dark.

Chase Recap: http://www.benholcomb.com/Chase-Accounts/20120529
Pictures: http://www.benholcomb.com/photos/stormchasing/20120529
