2011 Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium: Lincoln, NE

Mar 21, 2005
Kearney, NE
I'm jumping the gun just a bit, but I wanted to at least get the date out to ST members who need to plan ahead...

The well-regarded annual Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium (CPSWS) will be held this year in Lincoln, NE on Saturday April 9th.

I'll be posting here regarding the speakers and events at this year's symposium, but I can say that I know one of the speakers personally: Ryan McGinnis. According to Ryan, this year's CPSWS speaker lineup is really good and he claims to be one of the minor players. CPSWS is a daylong event of speakers, activities, and booths and in the past has also hosted Skywarn spotter training sessions.

Dr. Ken Dewey, UNL professor and chaser is the event's organizer. He tells me:
I have everything lined up but I have not updated my event website. I should be able to do that and get you a short summary in the next week or so.

When I get that, I'll pass it along. Or if any other ST members are speakers and want to chime in on their topics, feel free! The CPSWS web site is found at:
http://snr.unl.edu/cpsws/ (at this point, it still contains last year's information.)
Yeah, the tentative lineup is really good in my opinion -- however, when I was given the tentative list (back in like July or August), I don't know if Ken Dewey (the man in charge of CPSWS) had secured all the names on the list or not. If he does get the people he was going after, yeah, it should be a pretty dang cool lineup for CPSWS IMO. The list wasn't meant to be made public so I won't, but hopefully the official list will be out soon.
The details for CPSWS are now up:


9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Ryan McGinnis, "Photo Documenting Severe Weather on the Plains"

10:00 AM
Weather Balloon Launch Outside (Weather Permitting)

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Jim Reed, "Storm Chaser: A Photographers Journey" VORTEX 1 & VORTEX 2

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Josh Wurman, "VORTEX2, The Largest Ever Project Documenting Severe Weather & Tornado Formation"

12:15 PM - 12:59 PM Storm Videos

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Adam Houston, "The Use of An Unmanned Aircraft System To Collect Storm Data During VORTEX2

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Spotter Recognition and Official Proclamations 2:00 PM -

3:00 PM
Barb Mayes, "Nebraska Severe Weather, 2010 and Looking Ahead to 2011"

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM Brian Smith, "2011: Storm Spotter Training, Helping to Keep our Communities safer" (open to the public)

4:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Reynolds Davis, Storm Spotter Polices and Procedures
Figured I would bump this the photography breakouts are really cool this year excited to see those.

I go every year, typically take the whole family as it's very "Family Friendly" they do all the kids stuff and I talk to my friends not sure how we will work it this year.

Obviously with Ryan, Tyler Burg, Jeremy Bower, Jim Reed how can you go wrong?
Make sure to check out the Photography breakout sessions here http://snr.unl.edu/cpsws/schedule.asp#tab2
Absolutely! Being with Jim for 99% of his time on V2, I HIGHLY encourage anyone interested in his work to GO. He got some AMAZING coverage of both the operations and the weather itself, and his talk about his experiences for those weeks should be pretty awesome... I am for sure making the long drive through Friday night to hear him speak...
Just received a message from Ken Dewey, the organizer of the Symposium, and unfortunately Dr. Josh Wurman will be unable to attend the Symposium. Dr. Dewey did tell me though that we have a suitable replacement.

Tim Marshall
Hi Ryan,

My program changed due to time spent in rehab and PT Dec-Feb. The new presentation is: "Storm Chasing and The Future of Weather Photography." I'll be talking about the current state of the stock photography business, what makes a "fine-art" image, how to market your work, new cameras, and what we might expect from a rapidly changing photography industry. Planning to throw in my Top 10 tips for creating better images as well. Should be a lot of fun! Looking forward to seeing you and everyone else! - Jim

Edit: Sorry. I was trying to post this next to Ryan's schedule of events (above). Not sure what I did to create a whole new line.
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Should be a great talk either way, Jim! Though I think we'll both have a hard time topping Tim, at least if he brings his moonsuit like he did to the 2011 Chasercon. ;) (He's actually giving a different talk than Chasercon 2011, so maybe he'll have no props, but he always has interesting presentations).
Hey Jim...is your program going to be available for those of us who may not be able to make it? Lincoln is a long way to drive for a one day event, but I'm really interested in what you have to say! If not, maybe you can give me the short version in Broadus in July! :)