2006 National Storm Chaser Convention

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Dec 18, 2003
Lubbock, TX
MODERATOR: Replaced previous thread on the 2006 Convention given that all information in that thread is also given below

Hello everyone!

Well, the 2006 National Storm Chaser Convention web site is up and running!! We have moved the convention to the Radisson Hotel, Denver southeast, which is a WONDERFUL facility and has many ammenities!

This year's speakers include Dr Chuck Doswell, Dr Paul Markowski, Dr Greg Forbes, Dr David Gold, Tim Marshall, Jon Davies and many more!!

So, please check out the convention website for more details and to sign up! Convention dates are President's Day weekend in Feb, the 17th through the 19th. Friday evening is the annual ice breaker. Saturday will be awesome speakers that will entertain and enhance your severe weather knowledge, followed by the famous video night. Sunday will be a TEACHING DAY ALL DAY LONG!!! We will have MANY speakers teach severe weather forecasting topics all day!

If you are interested in making a presentation or sponsoring the convention, please email me in private.

The web address is http://www.chaserconvention.com

Roger Hill
Tim Samaras
David Drummond
Anyone that wants to help us get the word out
again this year, please visit our "Link to the Convention" page at:


I had to clear out all the links from last year as there were just to many
of them to realistically manually verify them all. So if your still linked,
you will want to get the new graphics, and if not you can get them there.

As before, anyone linking, let us know and we will put a link back to your
website on our links page!
2006 National Storm Chaser Convention Updates

Folks, the Radisson has dropped their rates another 10% for the convention to $72 per night! Also, the FINAL agenda is up and running now! We have added Dr Josh Wurman and Dr Joe Golden to the presenters list! IT WILL BE AWESOME!


Roger Hill

Storm chasers are driven by passion. Most of you are experiencing a rather funny feeling inside. It is January, and in most places it's very cold out, or dry if you're located in the southern plains.

One looks to the sky searching for the first sign of a cumulous cloud. We turn to websites looking for guidance that shows the first surge of warm, moist air from the gulf.

We feel the first SE breeze of the season. Digging our camera equipment out, we charge the batteries, check the supplies of tape/film. We email our friends, chase partners, other storm addicts to help build the anticipation.

The days are getting longer. More time to heat the ground. The jetstream is beginning to change.

Indeed, springtime is coming.

For me, by the time January comes around, I go crazy. I watch tornado video...DARK TIMES...LOVE...WEATHER PERMITTING I-XXX...TAKEN BY STORM...HARPER COUNTY PDS....STORMS OF 2004...STORMWATCHER...but dammit...its NOT enough!

Long ago, I invited a few friends over to my home for beer -n- pizza on a cold January evening to talk....remember.

We watched videos 'till the wee hours of the morning. We peek outside. Light snow continues to fall.


That wonderful night was 7 years ago. It was just enough to feed the passion while the wait continues 'till spring.

Alas, this strange convergance of passion continued through the years. It grew. The next year, a man and his son joined our gathering. It only took a few seconds, and we became friends. This man also shared this buring passion. His name was Roger Hill. The next year, we decided to make T-shirts for those who wanted to attend.

Holy cow.

We held it in my home. There were people that attended from neighboring states. Nebraska. Kansas. Oklahoma. They completely filled the house. In the basement. Kitchen. Living room.

All these people are driven by passion. A passion to feel the warm breeze...the passion to watch something astounding. Something that can never be captured completely on film or video. They come to learn. Al Pietrycha tape his mobile mesonet findings on my living room wall, and gave a dissertation of what he found on a convergance zone one spring day in Colorado.

This wild passion also burns within others. Something had to be done. No longer was it acceptable to hold these gatherings in my home.

The National Storm Chasers Convention was born.

It survives to feed the hungry passion of storm chasers that want to learn. To be entertained. To enjoy the company of other walks of life who feel the same. You can't describe it.

Roger, and I with the kind assist of Dave Drummond make no money doing these. In fact, we cross our fingers hoping to break even. We do this for the love and passion of our great hobby.

Roger and I welcome you to the best, biggest convention in the world that is entirely focussed on you.

The storm chaser.

Nothing else.

We welcome you to our convention in 2006.


Tim Samaras
Great read Tim, but your not really helping out, your throwing gas on the fire! Seriously though, I hope registration is going good for this event. My son and I went for the first time last year and had a great time. I really want to go again this year. I was supposed to be at a hockey tournament with my son in Arvada that same weekend, so figured I’d at least get to some of it. But as of last Tuesday the team is not going there and is thinking of going to St. Louis or Chicago that same weekend. I’ve spent the last two nights trying to convince my wife she will be fine driving to either one of those two locations. So theres still hope I’ll be in Denver come Febuary!
Wanted to mention that previously we had indicted on the agenda that snacks would NOT be provided at the Friday Night icebreaker to keep costs down.

Well our own StormTrack member, Tyler Allison has stepped in to generously provide the snacks for the icebreaker! The open bar costs will still be your own, but I believe he's providing Mexican snack trays! YUM!

Thanks Tyler!
I was very late in reserving my hotel room for this conference due to other distractions, but I'm glad to report that as of January 26 they do still have rooms available and they are still $72 a night as mentioned above.

For those coming in from out-of-state; dress warm! Our first real blast of winter which will kick-off today and last well into next week with high temps struggling to make it out of the 20s. Lows even colder than that with temps near and below 0.

Snow chances are minimal, but they are there, with most of it falling between now and Thursday night, so you should all have a fresh coat of snow to welcome you to the Mile High City. Flurries and snow showers possible over the duration of the weekend with higher chances Saturday night into Sunday.

Sorry we couldn't hold on to the 60 degree temps we've had all winter, but what's a storm chaser convention without sub-zero lows and below freezing highs! :D
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