2/10/09 NOW: TX/OK/AR/MO/KS

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Aug 16, 2005
Albany, New York
Visible satellite imagery shows rapid TCU formation in West-Central Okalhoma as of 12:20pm EDT. Looks like initiation should begin shortly.
Getting towering congestus over eastern Kingfisher Co.. looking north from the farm. (5mi. NW of Piedmont) looking west, a line of towering Cu that's leaning north, indicative of the shear that's increasing over the area. Winds seem to be backing to around 150deg. at 15kts on the average. My guess is that the DL is about two counties to the west.. (aprox. 40mi.?)

I will try to venture out in a short bit once I see the whites of its eyes. I need to head to MSP first thing tomorrow AM so I won't make it a long chase by no means.
Storms firing along the KS/OK border in mid 40 Td's already beneath steep lapse rates...not enough instability quite yet, but a sign this area may be active later on in the afternoon as deeper moisture advects northward underneath colder air aloft. Cyclogenesis seems to be underway in Southeast Colorado....good luck to everyone chasing today and be safe.
Anyone streaming video today?

A lone cell just popped up west of OKC.

I know Tornadovideos.net is streaming live video from their chase, does anyone know of any other chasers that are streaming live?
Good day,

Dewpoint's in the 60's are just advecting towards Red River / N Texas at this time. Dryline becoming evident on surface charts, roughly W and NW of DUC (OK).

Surface winds are around 15 knots from SSE ahead of dryline in Oklahoma and N Texas. Anything that fires needs to be watched as it will only move E / NE into the higher dewpoints.

850 LLJ / speed max developing over SW OK (from SSW) at about 50 Kts. This should be cyclogenesis of CO low system. RUC is progging dryline "bulge" / punch into SW OK.

Be on the big storms early, as a squall line may quicky develop be evening if cold front overtakes DL quickly.

Added: Dryline becoming very evident on Visible in SW OK ... With a large cluster of CU congestus SW of Whichita Mtns.

Good luck to all headed out!
the cells in the cluster of precipitation in NE TX appear to be getting better organized and will bear watching...but my main attention right now is on the storms trying to develop in SC OK at this moment.
per latest SPC mesoanlysis, SB CAPE in SC OK (in and around the Lawson area) has spike to 2500J/Kg. i didnt think we'd see CAPE get this high today. good luck to all.
Not necessarily pertaining to a certain storm, but its interesting the western part of the watch box is actually outside of the SPCs own 10% thunder line for the day.
The cell between Anadarko and Verden looks very robust. The cell just to its south may end up being problematic for it.

Edit: SVR for E CTRL Caddo, NW Grady, and Canadian.
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First warning of the scenario issued at 1:40 P.M. from the Norman office. Looks like Minco, OK is getting a good downpour right now what what I see on GR3. Things are initiating earlier than I thought so this may be a long evening for the mets and spotters. Beginning to wonder if the cloud cover over NE TX and SE OK will have any long-term effects on the anticipated storms for that area.
Tornado warnings:


Cell C0 on KTLX showing
67.5 dbz
1.75 inch hail possible

Affecting the town of Yukon
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