1909-06-24 - Norton, KS

May 13, 2010
Norwalk, Ohio
Norton, Kas., June 25 - - Northwestern Norton county was devastated Thursday afternoon by eight tornadoes, which destroyed farm buildings, injured men working in the fields, killed and carried away live stock, and mowed down trees like grass.

Six tornadoes formed at 4 o'clock, following a sultry day. The nearest one was ten miles from here. The funnel-shaped formation disappeared before the storm reached this city. There was a heavy downpour of rain, accompanied by hail measuring six and seven inches in circumference.

Telephone lines in the storm-swept district are demoralized, but the reports brought in by rural carriers show that each tornado was destructive. The infant of Frank Gentry was blown from its mother's arms and cannot be found, and the residence and outbuildings were swept away.

Forty head of cattle were killed at Brunswick ranch, thirteen miles nortwest, many being carried two and three miles by the wind. Farm hands in the fields were severely bruised and several have broken bones.

Frank Cave lost his house and barn, not a timber remaining. Austin Ough's barn is gone and the roof of the house is missing. S. W. Myers's house and barn are blown away. Lew Searl's house is damaged, and the barn carried half a mile.

The storm formed on Sappa creek, and moved in a southeasterly direction. The small loss of live reportedly is attributed to the early hour at which it struck. Practically everyone had time to reach storm cellars and places of safety.

Later in the evening two tornadoes made their appearance twelve miles south of Norton, traveling eastward. Lenora is directly in the path.

The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, MO 25 Jun 1909

There are a few photos here in the link: http://www.gendisasters.com/data1/ks/tornadoes/norton-tornado1909.htm

Also some additional info and pics here: http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/norton/disasters/tornado/tornado.htm