07/28/2005 Central Plains Talk:

Sean McMullen

No one was talking about this so I thought I'd start a thread.

I was just taking a look at the composite radar in central Ne and saw what looks to be a beautiful cell in Valentine. If anyones on this I would love to see your reports. Or if anyone would just like to put their 2 cents in on what they think. I'm really disappointed because I didn't anticipate it and I could have been there. :cry:
Yeah these type of events are tough to forecast but pay off if you don't mind taking a risk. Looks like an HP Supercell just west of Ainsworth. The one over Seneca just looks fantastic. Bulk shear and SR Winds at 0-2km both look good but the LCL's are going to make for a high cloud base 3000-2600m. Looks like the one near Ainsworth is weakening a bit with moving ENE into some non-impressive instability while that Seneca cell is going almost due South and tapping into better instability.