06/27/09 NOW :MN, IA, IL, WI, MO, KS

Jun 13, 2004
Olathe, KS
Got of the Great Lenexa BBQ state of Kansas championships after finishing being a captain and leading activities at my table. It was a hot and sultry day but rewarding with good brisket, chicken and much more.

I could not log into wifi hotels so I went home. When I got in, I saw that there was a cell with damaging winds and more approaching Gardner , KS near I-35 and heading due east. I got my gear and headed out on 56/60 highway towards Spring Hill, KS at 5:45 where I could intercept the storm at around 6:00 pm.

Moving south, I could see the storm coming. A lightning bolt or two split the sky. Stopped at the Spring Hill exit and pointed my car west as the cell moved in. Started with rain, then small pea size hail. Bigger (dime, nickel or bigger) clunked on the roof while the water swept away and melted most of the hail.

Headed back to Olathe, kS at 6:12 pm. A nice double rainbow showed up in the east . I took several photos and videotaped the rainbow (will link in REPORT). It stretched from north to south with some parts disappearing . The northern edge was much brighter and colorful while the 2nd raindow did not last as long .

Heading back North at 6:27, I could see a wallcloudwanabee. I watched it until 6:40 as it tried to get its act together, lowering disappearing etc. There was no rotation as I could see.

I gave up on it and stopped just east of 151st street east of I-35 to watch it a little more. Now I could see the towering thunderhead in the sunlight . Thunderstorm warnings were now posted for Johnson county and one nearby in Missouri.

Fun chase 59 miles and 2 hours of activity.