06/22/04 REPORTS: Southern Plains, Southeast, Canada

Larry J. Kosch

It's been a quiet evening on the storm front so I'm starting a REPORTS thread tonight. Post your first-hand chase or storm reports here.

Not much happened today according to the NWS Storm Reports. Only three tornadoes reported in TX, MS and TN. There were 19 reports of wind damage in the Southeast part of the country, mostly in AL and TN. There were nine reports of hail, mostly in MT. This tally was taken at 8 p.m. CDT so the figures may change overnight.

Don't know for sure if any severe weather developed in Canada and whether our friendly Canadian chaser Jared "saskatoonscanner" Mysko got in a chase or not.

8) LJK.
I don't have my notes with me, but I encountered a moderate downburst from a storm near Gainsville (SP?) FL, about 1PM Central time. 70 mph crosswinds on West I10, with very heavy rain, in sheets really. Interstate visibility was about 30 ft :? and it dropped to about 10 ft :shock: for a minute or two. This storm had a large wall cloud...persistent too. I don't know what happened as my parents wouldn't stop once clear of the storm. I'm pretty sure it was a good wall cloud, but I'm still new at this. Encounted some downdrafts worth remarking in Alabama (I believe, my notes are locked in the car right now...) but nothing special besides high lightning and some possible walls...but these are really giving it the benefit of the doubt.
This is a very interesting cell that I have been watching develop today. In north-east British Columbia, a large cluster of cells has parked itself and has not moved very far from what I have been observing. Maybe Wednesday will be different, maybe not. I do know that a lot of big storms seem to originate from that area and end up my part of the prairies. Who knows when this thing is gonna move? Sunrise? Never?
All quiet today. I saw some cumulus try to tower on my way to class and on my lunch break, but the lift just wasn't there.

If I had my digital camera with me I could have taken a pretty picture of the cumulus parade I had going on.

I'm hoping the current Day 3 outlook holds up.
I left work yesterday up here in North east Arkansas around 4:30P and noticed a few low topped Cu just to the west of town. Thought, what the heck why not follow them around. One was very low based with a lot of rotation. Followed it around the area for 2 hours. Traveled an unbeliveable 12 miles. 12 miles in 2 hours. This thing didn't even seem to be moving. Nothing major happened but watched 3 different Land Spouts. Had a nice little show.