06/05/05 REPORTS: OK/TX

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Jason Boggs

Left Amarillo around 3 or so and headed down 287 towards Childress. As I neared Clarendon I noticed some good towers going up to my south so I took Hwy. 70 south out of Clarendon and then took Hwy. 207 south out of Silverton. I ended up in Lockney with a pretty nice storm to my SW. I noticed that it was strengthening fairly rapidly and it was starting to exhibit some good mid-level rotation. At around 6:30 I began taking photos of the mesocyclone. I ended up a mile or so east of Floydada as the storm fell apart.





Caught the tornadoes off the Mountain View, OK storm. Rode out the HP beast after dark in Frederick, OK. Not much in the way of hail, but we had some monster straight line winds. I heard the airport there had 74mph gusts... I wouldn't doubt it. Full chase report/pictures will be up tomorrow.

Pictures and log: http://www.convectionconnection.com/CHASE-060505/
Pictures soon... here is a teaser!

I also witnessed a brief landspout North of Guthrie Texas about 7pm. There were alot of interesting things as far as inflow bands and shifting winds with this cell but it also appeared to be somewhat high based.
I thought the cell might get its act together for a bit but then shifted NE and gusted out before reaching Vernon. I got some great lightning shots on the backside of these cells after dark as well.
I am still kicking myself for not going after the Hobart OK storm but this was still a little better than yesterdays SC-SE Kansas incident. I drove 300 miles only to have two tornado warnings about 30-45 min drives either side of Wichita Falls. :roll:
Ya gotta love chasing :twisted:
Also on the Mountain View/ Snyder storm. Wow, what a great storm! Caught two tornados and a small gustnado. First tornado was just a quick forming condensation tube that formed to the ground then immediately dissipated. The second was longer lived, damaging two homes and a barn in the rural area west of Snyder. After the tornados we watched in awe at the incredible storm structure and motion as we retreated south toward Frederick. Ended up with an incredible lightning show for the drive home.


Started out the day chasing the storms around Lubbock for the station with hail seeming to fall EVERYWHERE. Ended up follow a storm out of our viewing area from Borden/Scurry County south into Howard County north of Big Spring, TX. Got some of THE BEST storm structure I have seen yet this year on a storm that was CREEPING to the SOUTHWEST! directly toward Big Spring! Caught one tornado to the north of Big Spring. Sheriff that was with us confirmed touchdown by another deputy that was much closer to it. Ended up teaming up with a pair of TXDPS cars who helped us navigate the best ways around through some back roads that were under construction in a barrage of lightning that was zapping poles next to us as we went. From what I could tell, the trooper was really enjoying his "chase" at this point! 8)

Just a fun chase on a day I wasn't expecting all that much. Just goes to show you what a decent boundary hanging around can do!


Nick Biermann and I chased the supercell near Snyder, OK. I'll have to say that was by far the most fun I've had on a chase in 2005, even though we missed the tornadoes by about 10 minutes (which is like the umpteenth time I've done that on a chase). We intercepted the storm near Snyder at approximately 7:45 p.m. Anyway, there was some amazing motion in the inflow, particularly where it intersected the outflow from the RFD. For a time just south of Snyder, there was a beautiful clear slot with an RFD punch that never quite wrapped south of the wall cloud. We basically just kept hopscotching south on 183 as the storm drifted towards us. Around 8:30 just east of Manitou, I caught on tape a probable gustnado on the SW flank of the RFD, which might possibly have been a bonafide tornado, albeit on the outflow, as there was some suspicious looking scud in a funnel shape right above the area of blowing dust on the ground. Very difficult to tell with the distance and low light conditions, however. All in all, a heck of a fun chase!

Got a late start out of Norman (5:45pm) for cell in SW OK. Very similar in appearance and behavior of the 5/13 storm in western north TX. Approached from the NE as cell had a fairly small, tight precip core and was throwing off left splits. Then as I got east of the cell around Lawton the storm began pulling in lots of low clouds from the SE, which developed into an impressive beaver tail. Got a brief view of the updraft base about 20 mi to my WNW just before getting gas in Cache - could see a wall cloud at 7:40pm - but by the time I got back on the road this feature was totally obscured in rain. Now that the storm was moving due south and turning HP I decided to drop south a bit then head west to try to get in front of it, but with new storms starting to develop to its south I decided to stay put and watch it from a distance. Storm began gusting out right before sunset, kicking up a large dust plume at the leading edge of the outflow. Enjoyed a nice display of anvil crawlers on the way back.
Got out of OKC by 5:30 pm. and booked it down I-44. Got off at Lawton on highway 62 west and headed that direction. About 2 or 3 miles east of Snyder we spotted the wall cloud to our northwest. Took the road into Snyder and stopped at the intersection of 62 and 183 so chase partners could use the restroom and I got a chance to make some obeservations. After the brief intermission we head back on 62 west for about 1 to 2 miles were we got to view our first tornado on the ground. Pulled over to get some shots of it. Only got one and would post it if I knew how. Needless to say very happy with the chase day. Had to repostion a few times to stay out of the storms path got to see a few more funnels and a spin up in the distance (south of snyder). Met another chaser out there named Hank. Would like to thank him for his tips and letting us follow him for a bit. Will post the pic when i learn how!
Left OUN at 2:30 p.m. and headed toward LTS. Saw the initial storm going up northwest of Roosevelt, headed north on OK54 and watched the Snyder storm become dominant. Observed the second brief tornado from a distance, then headed south on US183 as the storm became outflow dominant. The storm was gorgeous, and the light show later on was fantastic.


West of Mountain Park


From the east side of Snyder


South of Snyder


South of Snyder, near Manitou
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