05/05/04 FCST: MN, WI

Larry J. Kosch

Thought I would put up a forecast thread for Minnesota and Wisconsin today. SPC has placed a SLIGHT risk for severe storms in Northern Minnesota. There is a warm front trailing south from a Low in Canada that will be moving thru Minnesota today. If past events are any indications, this looks like a potential severe storm setup. Post your forecasts here. 8)

Update: SPC has pulled the SLIGHT risk area out of Minnesota. Looks like a weak warm front will be moving thru MN with no ill effects. Will leave thread here for this evening.
I don't see any reason for a slight risk today. Yesterday there were some crappy showers on the Canadian prairies and some 50km/hr wind gusts. Nothing even close to severe levels. Even the current wind warning seems to have been over stated since I don't see many stations that have reported any gusts over 60km/hr. Winnipeg hit 74km/hr. (it needs to hit 80km/hr for damaging winds)

General thundershowers would be wishful thinking at best for southern Manitoba. Maybe Minnisota has a better chance, but I doubt there will be anything of significance. Feel free to prove me wrong.

You are Right!


You may be right. The current NWS radar for Minnesota is showing a band of showers decreasing in size and intensity. That's probably why the SPC took the SLIGHT risk for Minnesota off. No chance for a storm chase here. Unless you want to send your ex out for a long, long ride... :lol: LJK.