04/19/05 REPORTS: South/Central/High Plains

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Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado

A quick lunchtime gentlemen's chase which added 112 miles to my total for what's shaping up to be a record April. Nothing too exciting to report from Douglas and Elbert counties in Colorado. Attempted to play the boundry with Verne Carlson along the Palmer Divide, but storms had a hard time getting going early on. Those that did were so high based. We did have a brief encounter with some quarter-sized hail near Elizabeth, but that's about it. Had a lovely barber pole LP pass overhead which, too, suffered the fate of early stable air. I was left with work restraints and had to bail on the chase at 5p; left to see the storms explode into Severe Warned cells along I-70. Not upset about missing anything too exciting as I'm really rarin' for tomorrow! Just nice to get a mid-afternoon chase locally to break in the DCVZ for 2005!

[Broken External Image]:http://www.tornadoeskick.com/images/050419a.jpg
[Broken External Image]:http://www.tornadoeskick.com/images/050419e.jpg

Log coming tomorrow morning; will update this later.
>>Click here for full report!<<

[Broken External Image]:http://www.stormchaserco.com/20050419_DIA_1.JPG
Storm over DIA moving northeast.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.stormchaserco.com/20050419_DIA_2.JPG
Storm over DIA comes closer.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.stormchaserco.com/20050419_Agate_1.JPG
Storm over Agate, CO as seen from Bennett, CO

[Broken External Image]:http://www.stormchaserco.com/20050419_Agate_2.JPG
Underneath the Agate, CO storm after dropping quarter size hail.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.stormchaserco.com/20050419_Hail.JPG
Quarter size hail from Agate storm.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.stormchaserco.com/20050419_FtMorgan.JPG
Storm over Ft Morgan, CO as seen from Byers, CO on the drive home.

>>Click here for full report!<<
Left Hebron, NE around 9am headed for a target of North Platte. I arrived in North Platte around 3pm (took some time enjoying the great Nebraska scenery along I-80) and checked data. As soon as I loaded data, it was obvious an enhanced area of TCU were forming W/NW of my position with a boundry NW of me as well. Decided to move farther west to Ogallala, during the drive I took notice of more significent TCU's maturing NW of the Ogallala area. Once in Ogallala, with radar indicating echos with the storms near Oshkosh I decided to head on up and see what was going on. As I neared Oshkosh, the storms took on a very minimal intensity structure wise, the updrafts obviously were not that strong yet and the storms seemed to be forming into somewhat of a cluster on XM. Heard of the tornado warned cell south in NE CO, givin the road options in the county I was in (which are about 4-5 N/S E/W roads combined) and a more isolated cell/better road options to my south, I decided to try to intercept. Blasted south towards the storm, all while it began to weaken on radar consiberably, and looked like it was falling apart at the seams very fast visually. Decided to head back north towards the Oshkosh storms, was able to intercept the farther south-west storm near Oshkosh, it produced a couple defined wall clouds however it failed to produce. Made the drive all the way from LBF to ICT between 10pm-4am ... am afraid im stuck in ICT for today, am departing for a trip this weekend on Friday and I have some prior commitments in place today. Will attempt to chase tomorrow in E KS if event looks decent, latest NAM runs indicate the best severe will be well east of 35 in KS though in the hills.
[Broken External Image]:http://www.extremeinstability.com/stormpics/05-4-19-3202.jpg
Supercell in western Nebraska nw of Ogallala.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.extremeinstability.com/stormpics/05-4-19-3206.jpg

[Broken External Image]:http://www.extremeinstability.com/stormpics/05-4-19-3211.jpg

[Broken External Image]:http://www.extremeinstability.com/stormpics/05-4-19-3220.jpg

If you get a situation with storms sticking to one location and staying rather intense go look for mammatus, you won't be dissapointed.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.extremeinstability.com/stormpics/05-4-19-1.jpg

Lovely "roads" it took to get to this location. It was tiny and full of tumbleweed drifts.

More pics and account at the above url.
My friend and I left Denver at different times. My friend was out all day long and went down to the palmer ridge first and then saw the storm by DIA and then we met up in Prospect Valley or something and ultimately ended up at the Fort Morgan airport at around 7:30pm and got some good shots of a wall cloud about 1/2 mile to the north. It was pretty much stationary for about 10 minutes and then moved to the east.

Pics and video at the link below.


Dan Moses[/img]
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