Your Dream Tornado

Oct 14, 2008
Lake Tahoe, CA
So, let's hear your best tornado or storm related dream. I always find it fun to witness my storm/tornado dreams peak at the outset of the chase season. But, my best dream would be this one (I have had more than I can count) where I was trapped at the top of this huge skyscraper. I was standing outside near a big swimming pool and a helicopter landing pad. There were a few people out there with me, but I didn't know them. Anyway, the sky is black and I am watching these monster wedge tornadoes plowing through the city, and they always seem to just barely miss the building I am on. Yet, as they pass by, the building sways dramatically back and forth. After a few pass by (along with some helicopters in pursuit), I run into this stairwell that will take me up a few more flights to the top of this little look out all the way at the very tip top of the skyscraper. But, as I am running up the stairs another tornado goes by and this one is a little too close. I remember the building sway to one side so far that I was practically hanging on the handrail as if it were a pull up bar. Then...... the dream ends.
I've had several tornado dreams, but two stand out. The first - I was being driven in to Tesco's car park by a moron at work. There were two thin ropey tornados right bang in the middle of the car park, and I was screaming at the moron to drive faster so we could get to them. He drove soooooooooooooo slowly, but eventually we got there, and the tornados were moving away from me. I jumped out of the car and started running towards them. But a little girl in front of me got knocked over by the tornadoes and was crying on the ground. I was really torn. Should I continue to run after the tornados or help the little girl? I just stood there going - eek, erm, ahhhh undecided. Then I woke up. But my best dream ever was when I was on my own, in the middle of a Kansas field. I was in the orange glow of sunset, there was a big wedge in front of me, and I was just running through the field towards the wedge, arms outstreched, shouting 'come back'!
I've had so many tornado dreams I can't even keep count. I have had them since I was 3, and I'm 16 now, I've had 2 in the last few days. The earliest tornado dream I can remember was when I was about 4 or 5, and I was peddling my little red bike towards a tornado, and then I see a drain and decide to hide in it. Just the other night I had a dream I saw 2 tornadoes, and I was even looking for the RFD notch to see how powerful it was! I think I'm getting far too obsessed with this :p I must have at least 50 tornado dreams each year, even though I've just recently got interested in them again. Tornadoes have always been something I've Loved. The majority of my tornado dreams involve me simple looking out the window and seeing one, and then a completely random series of events follow. I might start my own thread on my random tornado dreams! Oh well I've rambled on long enough I'm out.
I have had to many dreams on tornadoes/funnel clouds and storms to count. I had one where me and another person was holding onto a fence while a large wedge tornado went right over us. We some how survived.

I had another dream where a house by lake RedRock (where no houses exist) was lifted up and then dropped by down while I was in it just like in Oz. I actually ran all the way to the house on the highway if my memory serves me right. I think I was running for what seemed like a mile or longer and somehow outran the tornado and lived yet again.

Most of my dreams related to weather just show funnel clouds and mean storm clouds. I have yet to see a tornado but I have seen many funnel clouds including a few well defined funnel clouds and wall clouds so that would explain it. I had one just last night about the weather but like most of my dreams it turned into another wierd dream.

In 50% of all of my dreams I am telling myself to wake up and feeling trapped like I can't wake up. Usually I wake up several times in my dream before I finally wake up. 30% of my dreams are just wierd and imaginitive and I am often traveling places. I would say 10% of my dreams (I can probably remember close to 50) are weather related and the other 10% are just anything else. I used to have alot of dreams where I was running away from someone or something but I quit having them.

I once had a dream where I died (had a tomahawk thrown into my back and I was watching myself from the sky), another dream where I was laying on a bed sick and jerking back and forth violently and another dream where I was offered another job and guess what? A few days later I was offered another job. I turned it down already having two jobs at the time.

We have had several threads on this in the past and I find it interesting to see what other people dream.
This is too coincidental! I just had a tornado dream last night! And it was intense, my best ever so far. I was in the parking lot of some abandoned shopping center in a town I used to live in 5 years ago. Suddenly the wind was screaming and rain was diving horizontally. I was facing towards what I could sense was north, toward the building and I saw a huge black tornado coming towards me from behind the building....I yelled "crap! a tornado!" and jumped into a car next to me which happened to be a dark red classic VW Bug (I've never even owned one ever). I started it up and tried to drive away but I was overtaken and the VW started to spin in circles, maybe 3 times. The wind was violent and there was lots of noise. When I stopped spinning could see debris swirling in the parking lot, and then I woke up, and found my self almost hyperventilating. I was breathing like I was out of breath. Although the dream seems fairly typical, it was the realism I felt and probably played out physically which is probably why I woke up. I must have been thrashing around in my bed.

I have had many other tornado dreams before, mostly about really dark storm clouds and seeing multiple funnels in the distance in several directions, but this was the first that had a direct affect on me.
Is it weird that I never seem to have tornado dreams? I love storms as much as anyone, but I've only had one tornado dream in my life, and it was insignificant enough that I now remember nothing about it, other than that it was a weak tornado :(
I have the same recurring dream that tornadoes are solid and hanging from the sky like ropes. I run out into the fields and grab one and hang on for the ride. I always wake up and think 'what the heck was that!' :)
Funny thread --- I thought I was the only one who had tornado "dreams." You people make me feel good about myself. :)

I have noticed that the number of tornado dreams has decreased as I've aged and seen more tornadoes. I usually have the first one in March and then have occasional tornado dreams. My tornado dreams always have GREAT structure. No dusty little things... Sometimes it's like a text book. The whole storm evolves, I even can see the RFD in my dreams... Okay, how sick is that? I have RFD dreams... :) Tornadogensis is so perfect in my dreams, it just does not happen like that in the real world. Oh, and I'm always in perfect position in the dreams; right there in the backed inflow, right at the notch....
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I also have an occasional tornado dream which varies slightly every time from a central theme. I am always in an urban area in a building or on the street as the tornado approaches. I am usually with people I don't know. I scream "RUN...TAKE SHELTER NOW" as I stand frozen watching the thing. I always wake up before it hits, which is very frustrating as I am hoping to look up inside the tube.

Hummm...Wonder what Dr. Freud would have said about that:confused:

Anyway, the dreams fuel my passion to chase in reality.
I have the same recurring dream that tornadoes are solid and hanging from the sky like ropes. I run out into the fields and grab one and hang on for the ride. I always wake up and think 'what the heck was that!' :)

Ever read the old Western legend of Pecos Bill? Kind of a cowboy version of Paul Bunyan. Your dream ain't too far from it, pardner! :)

I dreamed more of tornadoes when I was a kid. I had a couple recurrent ones. In the one I remember best, I was struggling to get to the pump room in our basementless, brick house, fighting the air currents. I wound up getting sucked out of the house and flying above the swing set in our backyard, watching the funnel descend on the house. Probably just as well, since in retrospect, the pump room would have been one of the worst places to take shelter. Anyway, I remember shouting, "Hi, Mr. Tornado!" I guess my friendly greeting was my attempt to get on good terms with the tornado, because I was scared %&#@less at the time.
Within the past two weeks, I had a thrilling dream of a watching a tornado moving just to my north as a rain-wrapped wedge, engulfing a factory that sat in an open field in an area like Eastern CO, while my wife and I were staying at a motel less than one mile away. I had first thought it was merely a dense curtain of rain and hail. Penny size hail and heavy rain blasted our window while this was occurring.

The weird thing was that this was a rare morning tornado, occurring before 8 am. Almost immediately after it occurred to me that the prec. to my north was in truth a rotating wedge, a rope -like funnel cloud developed to my immediate west, shrouded in mist of prec aloft and back-lit by brighter overcast. It began descending, about to land directly on our hotel. Needless to say it was both exciting and terrifying, and I woke up before it struck, exclaiming to my wife that there was a funnel directly overhead.
About everyone's 'dream' tornado

I know you meant one that I actually dreamed about....but my tornado dreams are always about saving people, getting them to shelter.

But, if I were to have my "dream" would be a tornado that moved slow (15-20mph), moved parallel to the 'paved' roads, and the tornado would last a long time, go through all cycles and formations, and stop to wait for me to change tapes or batteries. It was a tornado that only moved over open farm land with green fields and on occasion would hit an old abandon farm house or barn. On this tornado would be the DOW and Bluestein, and other researchers, that would give them all the data they needed to figure out just what a tornado does...from initiation to rope out.
Before I went to bed last night, I thought: 'I hope I dream about tornadoes.'

... and I did. Well, one anyway. It was back in Montana in my home town. It was front-lit and I was viewing it from a higher elevation. Of course, as in most of my tornado dreams, I have camera problems and can't get the shot.

So, I went and intercepted it instead. There were some older women hanging out right by the ground circulation, fascinated. The condensation funnel was quite impressive, but the ground circulation looked like nothing more than a dust whirl at your feet in a parking lot. It was moving erratically but was very weak and the women were giggling. I was trying to impress upon them that it was a dangerous situation!
Initiating a Tornado Dream

I've heard that if you want to dream of something in particilar, focusing on it before you go to sleep can really improve your chances. I don't know if it is true, but tonight I think I'll try focusing on a tornado before falling asleep, just to see if anything comes of it.

I've shared this dream on the forum before, but its the dream that first got me fascinated with storms. The day before the dream we had a rare tornado in Oregon, and I had heard about it on the news. That night I dreamed a massive stove pipe came over the hill (midwestern folks would consider our hill a big mountain), much bigger than any tornado could ever be. So big that no matter where I ran I couldn't out run it.


It instilled a sense of fear in me so great that I've been fascinated ever since. I had never heard a tornado, but the sound was an awe inspiring bassy noise that really freaked me out. I was about 11 years old when I had the dream, and 18 years later I can still remember that sound.