Your best video from 2010

Other than the Zenda Kansas vid that Jeremy posted, one of my favorites is a time lapse I did of a developing severe thunderstorm back in June. I shot this only a few miles from where I live, so you can't beat that lol.

Great catches, everyone! Thanks for sharing them. I lost my camcorder last year and couldn't afford to buy one this year. Good thing I finally learned how to use my DSLR, but I sure wish I had some video to go with the stills. Oh, well. I'll just have enjoy yours. There are some really good ones here.

Steve Miller TX and I were on this storm June 10th from a little different angle than everyone else (from what I can tell by their videos). It's amazing that what was proclaimed by many as a ho-hum tornado day was quite an incredible day for us.

For those of you with minimal attention spans, the tornado video starts at about the one-minute mark and gets pretty good around the 6:00 mark.
My apologies in advance to the Timmer/Gabrielson crowd. We do not drive into the tornado, shoot anything towards the tornado or yell directly at the tornado.
Great videos everyone. My timelapses from the camera dome seem to be the most popular, so here are my three best from this year:

June 17

May 22

April 22
Hammon Oklahoma Tornado

My best video happened to be from my first chase of the year, which was March 8 :D

I searched through the first 5 or so pages of the forum and couldn't find a thread like this, so I am going to start one. I know many of us shoot video and post it on youtube, whether it is professional or just for fun. Part of a DVD or not I think it would be fun to post your best 2 or 3 videos from this year. Obviously I am not asking for the "good" stuff if you have plans to make a DVD. Just curious to see more storms! I love watching other people's storm videos and at times will put myself in their shoes and think about how I would react, or what I would do, or what I wouldn't do given that situation. Could be used as a learning experience. Finally to all the newer chasers out there, now is a perfect chance to blow us away with your awesome footage! I recall watching a video from a newer chaser the other day on 6/17. I was in awe and a bit jealous of the video he got! So without further rambling I will post my best 3 videos from this year...

Hope you all enjoy and post some of your own... whether it is supercells, thunderstorms, lightning, tornado, hail, or just a sunset I'd love to see it!


I agree Danny! I love watching other non storm chasers/storm chasers storm videos! that is why I love youtube so much!
Indianola, IA storm lightning

I shot this from my house during the storm that produced the Indianola, IA tornadoes. I have not heard any discussion about this storm but one of the tornadoes ripped the roof off a house. There is actually a chaser that has a two part youtube video that shows the tornado nicely (just search Indianola tornado and you can find it). A lot of electricity in this storm...

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